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my friend is an ***

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well, so my friend took my other friend's glass bag and play with it, so at the end i got mad so i grabbed it and it fell and broke, so i told him that its your fault because if you didnt play with it blah blah blah... long story short now we had a fight so should i make up with him?

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well, so my friend took my other friend's glass bag and play with it, so at the end i got mad so i grabbed it and it fell and broke, so i told him that its your fault because if you didnt play with it blah blah blah... long story short now we had a fight so should i make up with him?


You grabbed it, it's YOUR FAULT it broke. Learn civil, mature ways of having others behave the way you prescribe. Hey, you might even think about the fact that others are free to behave the way you want and you are free to find other friends...what a concept!


Fighting about something like this is really immature...(how old are you?)...but I don't think your friend ought to make up with you. He doesn't need friends who grab things out of his hand causing them to break and then blaming him.



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well, so my friend took my other friend's glass bag and play with it, so at the end i got mad so i grabbed it and it fell and broke, so i told him that its your fault because if you didnt play with it blah blah blah... long story short now we had a fight so should i make up with him?

Go to Judge Judy.

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...."Glass bag".....?


A bag, made of glass?

A bag for glasses?


Until I have the answer, I cannot possibly give any indication of my opinion in the matter.

I feel however, Mr. T.T, above, has a point.


It's like digging someone in the ribs and tickling them whilst they're driving a car, then blaming them for mounting the pavement.....

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