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hi my friend with benefits is


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we were just eating dinner and he goes i really like you lisa and i did not say anything so then he goes well...? and i say what do you want me to say? i always think he is joking when he says things like that but i dunno if he is starting to say it seriously. i do not want to be mean but i am not quite sure what to do. any advice about what i should say to him or if i should take him seriously?

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If he's getting serious about you, would you think it possible you could get serious about him?


If no, tell him.

If yes - tell him.


There's a lot to be said for effective communication, huh? :cool:

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so many guys may tell you that they like you and like you really really :D,

that you do not need to break your beautiful head thinking if he was serious or not .

And ,whispering to your ear , I will tell you one secret .

Ssssssshhhhhhhh .... (he may tell same words to several girls...shhhhh)



So just if you are really fond of him,this definite certain one,then

just watch out , look what he does else, test his affection to you ;),

and only then let your head and heart get filled by the thoughts and the feelings of him ;)










God bless!

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If he's getting serious about you, would you think it possible you could get serious about him?


If no, tell him.

If yes - tell him.


There's a lot to be said for effective communication, huh? :cool:



Go with this, I say. For the most part I don't think men tell you they like you so much if they don't mean it, except maybe when just trying to get laid; but obviously your past that part with this guy so I'd take it seriously; and react accordingly.

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