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Dummy Falling for HIM

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I met this guy 4 months ago and now I feel like I'm catching feelsings for him. When we first met I thought he was a sweet heart and now he acts like an ass hole. He would call me every day text me all day send me pictures every morning, and I loved it. Now, it aint like that anymore. I hear from him every once in a pink star. We had a pregnancy scared a few days ago. I asked him out the blue "how would you feel if you got me pregnant" and his response was that he would change his number. Turns out I wasn't pregnant but he didn't care to know the results. Like a dummy I had sex with him again a few days later and took care of him while he has sick. Why am I falling for him, I'm not exactly sure. Sometimes his inner sweetheart shines thru his ass hole. I think he's been hurt in the past and has a wall up and is scared to be hurt again. I try to reasure him that I won't hurt him but he's scared to give me a chance. What should I do stick around and see if things will change or become his friend with out bennifits?

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No, no, no, no, no, NO.


You know the answer. You KNOW the answer. You know he is a scum bag, who cares if he was hurt before? You had a pregnancy scare and the guy didn't care. He didn't care! He said he' change his number if you actually were pregnant? Even if that was a joke (and I don't think it was), he is neither a nice or good person.


You know all this. And yet you are still with him. Nothing, nothing that you do will change this. Except leaving him. The hurt that you will have now will be nothing compared to the hurt that he will cause you.


No to even friends. He's not a friend to anyone.

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