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Was this abuse???


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Hi I am not sure who was in the wrong but I believe I need an apology from her as I'm unwilling to unless she says it first. Yet she still mad at me for about 2 weeks now and won't talk. We got into a horrible argument in which she insulted my mother by saying the ''M'' word. I have been calm the whole time yet she starts with her slang language and say the worst of worst insult.


I was shock, I couldn't believe what she just say so I spit (think I still had a tiny piece of chicken leftover and coke still in my mouth) in her face and left so fast before she even got a chance to react and possibly either slap me or punch me. But on the way of leaving I accidently broke the doorknob as I slamed the door shut.


Honestly had it been a guy saying then a physical fight would have started. So I'm here waiting for her to apologize while she thinks I'm in the wrong, any inputs on this?

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First of all, what is the "M" word, and what possessed you to spit at her? I don't care how PO'd you get, you don't spit at someone.

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what the heck is the 'M" word ? and i don't care what nasty things were SAID, to spit in a womans face, chewed up food no less, and not offer an apology is just wrong IMO.

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You need to apologise.

You were physically abusive, and left her in no position to come back to you, or retaliate.

That was not only 'controlling' it was cowardly.

No, really, it was.

If you want to win an argument, you don't lose it.

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You both need to apologize. But you spitting in her face and then walking out, wow. And you knew it was wrong because you left so fast and in your words so she wouldn't "slap me or punch me".


Just initiate the apology. I really never understood why people get into the semantics of who needs to apologize to who first, but people seem to do that all the time. Then again, nobody ever spit in my face and if they did, broken door knob or not, I'm coming for ya. Nothing physical, but some choice words forsure.

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You both need to apologize. But you spitting in her face and then walking out, wow. And you knew it was wrong because you left so fast and in your words so she wouldn't "slap me or punch me".


Hi again and for those that for no clue what the ''M'' stands for, it is motherf..ker, nothing worst than that. Yes I sure ducked and left on time before she she had the chance to respond slap/punch me, whatever she was thinking of, since I saw she was about to raise her hand.


I know that was probably wrong for me to do but then I kind of feel she deserve it for being so rude and immature.

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what the heck is the 'M" word ? and i don't care what nasty things were SAID, to spit in a womans face, chewed up food no less, and not offer an apology is just wrong IMO.


What about insulting one's mother by saying mother****er.

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She called your mother a motherf**ker...?


Now that's just weird!


You two guys sound like a match made in heaven!

No respect, no communication..... probably little trust and no effort that I can see....

And you are together, because.....? :confused:



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She called your mother a motherf**ker...?


Now that's just weird!


You two guys sound like a match made in heaven!

No respect, no communication..... probably little trust and no effort that I can see....

And you are together, because.....? :confused:




Yes she called me thar the first time and I hopefully it will be the last. But see besides that inicident two weeks ago, we been doing great. I'm trying to figure out what the hell went wrong with her as I never disrespected her like that not did my mother done anything to her either. In fact my mother has always gotten along with any girlfriend I brought, never heard anything bad so for her to have say that to me, that was shocking.

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So, to clarify.

Did she call you a MF, or your mother?


I'm not getting what you mean here.


The both of them almost at the same time while she was screaming.

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The both of them?


what do you mean, the both of 'them'?


what caused the argument in the first place?

What was it about?


(I'm losing the will to live, here....!)

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Ya know, most people who call someone that don't actually mean to imply that you eff your mother.


They just mean to say that you're a jerk, in stronger language.

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dashing daisy

If she called you a motherf---er, she wasn't insulting your mother, she was basically calling you an a**hole. Which yeah, isn't very nice, but people get angry and say things they don't mean sometimes.


But then you SPAT IN HER FACE, and slammed the door so hard you broke the doorknob. I get that what she said was inappropriate and rude, but spitting in someones face is the most disgusting, offensive thing you can do. And now I'm getting the impression you don't think there was anything wrong with that, or that she deserved it, which makes it okay.


If you had any respect for her...well, you probably wouldn't have spat in her face in the first place, but you would at the very least apologize. Although, from what I've heard it doesn't really sound like you two should be in a relationship. But if you care about the relationship more than your pride, or anger, or whatever is holding you back, you'll apologize, if only because she probably needs to hear it from you before she'll apologize for what she said.

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I think you should consult your producers during the next commercial break.


Seriously, you spit on her? Really?

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