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Sex in my sleep

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I am frquently having sex while i am asleep. Sometimes I know who the men are and other times these are complete strangers. This is embarrasing because my husband at times wakes me up in the middle of the act and demands to know who it was. I have to lie on several occasions that it was him. Could you please tell me what causes this and if i should seek a professional help and where? Please note that i have never cheated on my husband.



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Professional help, HELL. YOU are the professional. Write a book on how you do it...what you eat...what medications you are on...what you do just before going to sleep...and you will make A FORTUNE.


If you can show me how you do it, I'll sent you anything you want!!!


Just keep telling your husband you're having sex with him and enjoy yourself as long as you can!!! WOW!!!

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There is a good chance you are not getting enough satisfactory lovemaking during waking hours. You may also have some unfulfilled desires to make love with people in your past or present. You may be simply oversexed...and there's nothing wrong with that.


The dream state takes us to many places where we can fulfill wishes and desires we are unable to during waking hours. There are lots of people who would love to have your dreams.


I think this is just a phase and you will soon be spending dreamland elsewhere.


There are books on dreaming, one particular one is called Lucid Dreaming. That book teaches you how to plan the subject matter of your dreams.


There is nothing wrong with you at all but talking the matter over with a very good psychologist would be helpful. Also an enthical hypnotherapist could probably teach you meditations methods to help stear the subject of your dreams to more guilt-free territories.

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Hey, Sandy I am no professional, but let me relay some experiences, and please excues my spelling... I am a collage grad... and yes I had people help me with writing, but on the sexual level I never needed help. I'm 40 and still want it at least twice a day , if i can have more then great, if I get less I seem to do as you do in my sleep.I have talked to other pro. friends and they say there is nothing wrong with this. You may have seen a beautiful man today, or seen your husband in a very sexual position, or any of a number of things that turned you on subconsiously, and maybe if you didn't have sex that night after you went to sleep you were aroused in a dream that you had, then again maybe it was a time of the month that you felt espi. lly. sexually active and wanted more than you thought you needed when awake.. sleep helps us in many ways.... call your local er and talk to a nurse.. don't ask for advice just tell her your prob. and see if she has ever heard of it. I'm sure she has. If not ask the nurse at uncology.. they will never ask your name and usually are very helpful as long as you don't ask for advice..I though feel like you are just a very healthy sexual female... don't forget about harmones... they play a really big factor... good luck, happy dreams, and chill..later james

I am frquently having sex while i am asleep. Sometimes I know who the men are and other times these are complete strangers. This is embarrasing because my husband at times wakes me up in the middle of the act and demands to know who it was. I have to lie on several occasions that it was him. Could you please tell me what causes this and if i should seek a professional help and where? Please note that i have never cheated on my husband.



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