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i have a question about the dot (period):


sadly, i am on my period. again. in the same month. is this normal? to be more specific, i was about a week late getting my dot last month (november), but it came and left--this, however, was just two weeks ago. and now, just two days ago, it came again! :eek:


so, i was without the dot for about a week and a half, which is what i mean by getting my dot twice within the same month/30 days.


both flows were the same, except that last time, i was feeling a bit dizzy throughout and, this time, the pains/cramps are a lot stronger. i don't know if the pains are correlated with the fact that i have been eating a lot lately only to later feel like :sick: it all out. maybe my overeating is causing me to get stronger cramps?


i've read that this is "normal" when you are a teen/starting off your period, but i'm not a teen anymore and i've been dealing with the bastard dot for quite a few years now.


have any of you experienced this before?

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I haven't experience what you're talking about (I've typically had weirdness on the other end of the spectrum: cycles that were longer apart). "Normal" is really different for everyone, but normal isn't always desirable. Some women have typical 28-day cycles, some have 40-day cycles, some have 14-day cycles, etc. But if it doesn't feel right, make an appointment with your gyno, explain what's happening, and ask him or her what's up. (If you're a "gyno-phobe," get a referral to a good doctor from a friend and go anyway. I was once deathly afraid of the gyno, and now I wonder what all my fuss was about. They've truly heard and seen it all.)


You especially need to see a doctor if this pattern is different than what it has been over the last year or two.


A doctor can help you sort out whether or not this is just your body's way and/or if it's something that needs a remedy. Without that perspective, you won't know for sure. It will give you more peace of mind.

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