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Can I prove it??

Lost Love

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My BF parents Hate Me and I don't know Why!


They say they are afraid I am going to break his heart the way his last GF did!! I love him so much! how can I prove to them How much I love him!! I wanna Be with him forever! why can they not see that?? please Advise! thank you in Advance!

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Fisrt, of all who do love him or his parents? Second, the only person you have to prove your love to is him. If he loves you in return then its none of his parents buisness who he's with. Getting hurt in a relationship is normal its just another life experince. I've been hurt many times by many men, and that doesn't make my parents hate the next Joe Blow that comes in my life. I understand there concern for him but, they have no reason to dislike you. If its really that big of a deal to u talk to your BF, and tell him how you feel. If you have already done this talk to his parents.

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You don't need to prove to anybody's parents how much you love their son.


It is highly irrational for them to be so protective of him. In my opinion, if this guy's parents are watching over their son as passionately as this and he is allowing it, you are much better off without him.


I can understand a father being overprotective of his daughter, but guys should be able to take care of themselves. If your boyfriend pays attention to his parents, you don't stand much of a chance...unless they change their position sometime in the future.


There has got to be more to this than what you are seeing. You need to have a good talk with your boyfriend and, together, plan a strategy to deal with this. If you get his cooperation, you are fine. If he is hesitant, ditch him no matter how much you love him.


Obviously his parents are crazy. Why is it necessary to worry about how they feel? If your boyfriend is so influenced by how they feel, the depth of his love for you is called into question.

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