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I think my girlfriend wants to find someone else

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My girlfriend once asked me if I would mind 'sharing her' with someone else. She said she wanted to experience what a casual relationship was like. This never ammounted to anything and I've dropped it but it still bothers me. More recently she asked me if I wanted our relationship to be exclusive. I said yes so she said ok and that was all.


Often when we are with friends, she makes jokes about having an orgy. She also flirts sometimes with our friends and I've told her that this really bothers me. She's also a very horny person in general. Her general opinion about cheating is that ouside relationship are ok as long as there is nothing physical.


Does she have some kind of weird sexual fantasy? Is she not satisfied with our relationship and wants to try something else without actually breaking up?


I do not share any fantasy involving multiple partners and I would only break up with her if she actually cheated on me. I may confront her with this but I want someone else's opinion first.

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I think your talk with her is long overdue. Her behavior is rude and without class and I don't think you'll change her. Therefore, staying around her says a lot more about you than it does about her. No woman would have respect for a man who would endure her antics. Have the talk if you wish and see what happens. But, if it was me, I'd be talking to her while I was packing my bags.

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