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cold feet a good reason to call off wedding?

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If a guy gets engaged to his girlfriend and then they plan a wedding and everything is it a good idea to call off the wedding?


Let's say fear just consumes his mind like 5 minutes before the wedding ceremony. Is it always a good idea for him to just call it off?


My opinion is yes. If you are getting cold feet then it's probably for a good reason. You shouldn't take the dive until your mind & heart are both ready and even then it's risky since marriage is a serious step.


I say always listen to your gut feeling because it's a red flag that it's best to call things off.

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5 minutes before the ceremony is a jilting. Only do it if you never want to be with the person you are jilting.

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Wow. Anyone that stupid, irresponsible, and immature has no business getting engaged.


Aside from the glaringly obvious asshattedness of intentionally devastating and scarring someone for life, also consider the financial aspect of that decision.


At that point, over $10,000 in non-refundable deposits that have already been paid, usually by the bride's parents. They can sue you to be compensated for their financial loss. These cases have been brought to court before and usually they win.


It's better to break off the engagement before deposits are put down. If you're not ready to get married, WTF are you doing getting engaged? Break up, grow a pair, and try again when you're ready.

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Are you serious? Is this why you want to propose four times, to make sure you still want to marry her the following month?


Do her a favor and don't propose in the first place.

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Are you serious? Is this why you want to propose four times, to make sure you still want to marry her the following month?


Do her a favor and don't propose in the first place.


I totally agree, well said.


Advice to OP: Please don't ask this girl to marry you, it doesn't sound like you are ready and you'll be hurting her by getting engaged. Sort out of your feelings, because if you propose four times then dump her at the alter, you will only confuse and devastate the poor girl.

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Assuming that "the person" has already gone this far, then he had better be certain that breaking off the wedding is what he really wants.


Cold feet are normal, but if the feeling is that "I don't want to be with this woman," then the wedding should be called off. If the feeling is "I want to be with this person, but the idea of marriage scares me," then this is normal and the wedding can continue.


It is better now than after the wedding.

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