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treating women in light of God being all in all

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As a christian universalist I see God in all people and in all things. I believe that everything God created is good and perfect.


If God is love and if He made humans in His image and likeness then that means you are also love. That's who you are at the core of your being.


Therefore I believe all humans are perfect in God's eyes. I believe the life of Jesus was an expression of our true selves & true identity.


I believe that God is all in all. Having said all of that I think it is ok for a man to worship his girlfriend or wife as a goddess since God lives inside of her.


I've met a girl this past year who seems to have a messiah complex. Her heart is filled with love for people. She's very optimistic and looks for the best in all people. She has a ministry where she feeds the homeless and she's also a certified nurse.


She's basically a goddess. Maybe she is the 2nd coming of Christ. Afterall God promised to pour out His Spirit upon ALL flesh in the last days.


I have no problems dating someone who may be from a different religion or even if they are atheist or agnostic as what is really important to me is how much we have in common overall.


I would rather date an atheist that I had 95% of everything else in common with than a christian who I have hardly anything else in common with. I won't date a legalist christian for sure.


So here's a perspective. I would have no problem putting a woman on a pedastool if I've spent good quality time with her. I would have no problem looking at her as a goddess. I would rather spend my time thinking and talking to her about what's right with her instead of pointing out her faults.


Most humans don't need other people to point their faults out to them. I know more about what's wrong with me than what anyone else in this world could possibly point out to me. Pointing out what is wrong with you will not empower you to overcome your faults. It will only make you feel guilty.


I don't consider myself religious at all but I am spiritual. Based on my title christian universalist most of us are pretty spiritual and we don't believe in following religious rules or rituals although we know we are free to do so. We just know that following rituals and rules does NOT make us more pleasing to God than those who don't follow these things.

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Could you highlight the point of your post, please?


If you treat all as having God within, then gender is irellevant.


The love of God transcends gender, race, age, colour and religion.

When you reach the state that God is omnipresent, the overal identity of the person is superfluous.


So what's your point?

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Regardless of your spiritual beliefs (which sound sort of delusional--surely you don't believe all people are good and perfect) it's a bad relationship stratagem to 'worship' somebody.


For one, it's an unrealistic expectation. You should give people room to be the imperfect beings that they are. When you say she has a 'messiah complex,' you're implying that she thinks of herself as a savior. It sounds more like that's how you think of her.


While I'd agree with you that discussing her faults wouldn't be good dinner conversation, it might really help your relationship if you tried to come up with a few in your head.

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If you believe that all beings are perfect in Gods eyes without any need for surrender etc, then the ones who struggle day to day with their faith and use tools such as rituals and sacrements are also perfect in His eyes. End of story. I have read something about Universalism in a book written by the late Christopher Reeve and I will have to revisit his account because there is more to Universalism than what you describe. If I remember correctly the slant given in his book was the hope that we all exist within a spiritual loop which in essence is a form of reincarnation. This slant opens up the idea that our core selves keep being reborn and so are never turned away by God. 'Dark souls' can spend time in a form of isolation from the loop whereby they are earthbound ghosts. I like theories where the great beyond is left open and interactions here are valued in a universal form of reward system governed by a Higher Power who does not kill - but rather we are left to bear our own consequences but are always being watched over. In my minds eye this sounds very much like regression therapy - which interests me greatly. Regarding worshipping a woman.. I think it unhealthy to worship anyone.Regards,Eve xx

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Worshipping is never healthy . Respecting is healthy .





"Husbands and wives, who sincerely loved each other during their earthy lives,live together again , albeit the mode of communication is the thought, and not the speech."

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The point is that anyone has the potential to be the Messiah if God is all in all. If we are in God's image & likeness then we are equal with God in love, righteousness,etc. We're all one with the creator.


I have a hard time with the idea of God being a jealous God. What reason would an all powerful, all knowing, all loving self sufficient God have to be jealous? Is there really something He needs from us? Jealously is insecurity.

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The point is that anyone has the potential to be the Messiah if God is all in all.

What does the word 'Messiah' mean to you?


I have always favored your type of Christian over the legalist type because I think you get the point about love and all that mushy stuff being most important. That said, I understand why the legalists fear you: you do miss the mark on certain Christian concepts.


There is no mainstream Christian thought that says we are 'equal' to God in any respect, to some that's the reason mankind fell in the first place.


I have a hard time with the idea of God being a jealous God. What reason would an all powerful, all knowing, all loving self sufficient God have to be jealous? Is there really something He needs from us? Jealously is insecurity.


I share your confusion.

That said, isn't it wishful thinking to only embrace religious concepts that make sense to you?

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What do you call it to embrace religious concepts that don't make sense to the individual in question?




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What do you call it to embrace religious concepts that don't make sense to the individual in question?

I call that faith.

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Blind faith.

If you embrace them and they don't make sense to you, you really haven't thought it through.

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If you operate under the assumption that the mystery of divinity and our place in the world is something we can fully comprehend, sure, it would be blind faith.


Ask Plato, though, there's more than one kind of blindness.

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