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My girlfriend kissed her old boyfriend

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Hi i have been going out with my girlfriend for about 3 months now. i recently found out that she had kissed her old boyfriend (cheated on her 2 times) who left for 9 months and now is back. she said it was nothing serious (no tongue ), she also said that when she saw him it brought back old feelings. Now she is saying she is deeply in love with me, and regerts what she had done. we had sex the next day it had happened, prior to me finding out that night... she lied stright to my face saying they had done nothing. i love this girl, and i really dont know what to do because it hurts me so much that she could kiss him then lie to me i need any type of advice becuase im in a split descion to stay together or break up!

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This will be totally up to you. If she still has feelings for her ex and he's going to be close by, that may be a problem. This is something the two of you may have to resolve. As far as the lying, you did soon get the truth out of her. Lying about this is something many people could do...and she is human. She did come out with the truth rather quickly. Your call. If you think you can restore your trust in her, I see no reason not to forgive. If you think this ex may remain a problem, after talking with her, move on.

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