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What's a girl to do??

Fierce Grace

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.. so this is the story... we've been good friends for a number of years and we actually met because he was trying to get a date .. however it would seem we became fast friends and it didn't progress immediately into a dating relationship... after we initially met we never discussed being in a relationship ... and i moved on because i thought his interest waned in that department... he stood by me through all my misguided relationships and has always been there when i needed him... now its been nearly 6 years since we've been friends (and yes there have been some fringe benefits along the way) but i guess maybe i soon realized the guy i was looking for was already in front of me.(soo cliche) ...but i think we're both too passive to turn the corner.. and the newly added barrier he's moved more than 600 miles away (albeit temporarily) now i feel like all is lost.... now i have in my own way attempted to express my truest desires but i don't think he's gettin it or the alternative.. he's ignoring it ... i'm just lost at what my next move should be i'm having trouble dating cus i've fallen for him but i'm not feeling like its truly a viable option bc of the obvious circumstances... what's a girl to do :love:

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I'm a guy who ignored a friend's advances when I shouldn't have. I really didn't catch them. I was interested early on, and I acted on it. But as time went on, we were both so firmly planted as friends that I had no idea she was interested. A friend of mine asked her why we hadn't dated... she had no answers. She then told me, "It took your friend to ask me out for you". She told me she loved spending time with me, etc. I was taken aback, but I should have acted at that moment. I had a feeling she was interested. But too much time had passed. I took the attitude that if we weren't already together, it would probably never happen. And I'm sticking to that. It might be stupid, but it is what it is.


Bottom line is, I'm sure that the prospect of dating you has crossed his mind more times that you can imagine. But once you are friends, it is hard to cross that line. The only way forward is for you to lay it all out there. Otherwise, it will remain the same. You have nothing to lose. If it doesn't work out, it will just be another story you two can look back on and laugh about. Easier said than done... believe me. But let him know how you feel.

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ugggh that is so much easier said then done.... I'm usually much better at this but he makes me all sappy..lol.. . i've told myself i was going to do this 20 million times but i always chicken out ...my last ditch effort was a planned outing that got canceled (through neither of our faults) before he left town.. well maybe i can drum up some courage he'll be home for the holidays

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