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The Internet: My Fast-Track to Insanity Since 1996


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I'll keep this short.


I went out with a guy twice. I wasn't sure if it was actually a date the first time, since we're friends and had been out on a few dates before (it didn't wind up going anywhere... I got hurt because I'd made an assumption that was incorrect).


Anyway, so we went out again. The second time, it became rather clear that it was a date because he was being quite gentlemanly, complimenting me, and yeah, we wound up kissing on his bed. At that point, I realized, "Hmm... this is moving a bit fast." I excused myself before things progressed further.


While I know I don't owe anyone an explanation, in retrospect, it may have been wise to tell him that things were going fast rather than just saying, "Well it's late, I need to get up early. Time to go."


Anyway, we did talk about seeing each other again, but that hasn't happened. It's been about a week and a half. We've chatted and emailed a bit. Mostly I initiate it, though he did respond to a bulletin that I posted. (Okay, I know I sound like I'm 14. I'm 26. He's 39. There you go.)


I guess I'm trying to figure out whether he's not really making an effort because a.) he's not interested in me anymore, b.) he wasn't interested to begin with, or c.) he thinks I'm not interested. He recently posted a little rant bemoaning the fact that women in our town "are always saying that there are no nice guys, but when they find one, they run away." Obviously, I don't know if that was about me or someone else.


Any insight? Gentlemen? Ladies? What is he likely thinking and what should I do?


Thanks very much and Happy Winter.


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I don't think age is really that big of a deal at this point. We're both adults and we've been friends for awhile, so we know each other fairly well. I normally wouldn't be open to dating someone more than about ten years older than me, but since I know him, I'm reasonably comfortable with the idea.

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