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My girlfriend is a bad drunk.

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My girlfriend and I have been together for 6 years, we have been through a lot together. However, she is unable to have a social drink without becoming violent and verbally abusive. She is not a heavy drinker, she may only drink twice a month, but i dread it each time because I know she will get into a mess. It has got to the point now where i cannot enjoy a night out with our friends, I have to refrain from drinking in order to keep a straight head and watch out for her. I have only started confronting her about her behaviour in the last year, before then the subject was always taboo. She is always tearful and apologetic the morning after and promises to change her ways but she never has and I simply don't believe her any more. Does anyone in a similar situation have any advice?



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I have been there


My ex was like that and it was awful and got worse and worse


I would see the look come over his face and know he was about to kick off. He was so mean and nasty when drunk and I found it so hard to get over the things he would say. He would always be so sorry in the morning but the damage was done, time after time!


It stopped after I had a baby, for 6 years, as he would only drink twice a year but any time he drank it would be the same and I would always try to get out of takling him to nights out if drink was involved


It will never change, certain people react a certain way when drunk and they cant help it - The only way to stop it is to stop drinking!


You need to decide what you want from a relationship Ben

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You have to set boundaries. If she is unwilling to consider how her drinking affects you and take precautions to prevent it from happening (not drinking at all or limiting to only a couple beers ect.) then you have to decide if you can stay with her and she keep acting this way or if you should leave her. I would also make it clear that if she doesn't learn to control herself you leaving is definitely a possibility.

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