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Why does she want to be friends with me?

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There's this girl who I only have a class with once a week.

Before we started to talk I sometimes had a feeling she was looking at me.

When we run in to eachother she's always smiling, asks me how I'm doing and when she's going to see me again.


One day I finally had a change to talk a litlle bit longer with her and at the end she asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink.

She later cancelled cause she had to work on a project, I texted her I would like to do it some other time cause I like her.

She said that of course we could but as friends because she has a boyfriend at this moment.

After that she told me I looked like a nice guy and that she usually has more in common with guys than girls.


The weird thing is I never see her hang out with the other guys that are in her classes, I only see her with girls.

Recently she started to end her messages with kisses and tells me that she's hoping we'll have more classes together.

It's kinda strange to me because we still barely know eachother.


Do girls really pick their friends like that?

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