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Should I let my boyfriend go to prom with this girl who i know used to like him and that he cheated on me with? I don't know what to do...I feel like a bitch not wanting him to go, but with the girl he cheated on me with???? HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP...I know he wouldn't do anything with her...but what about her...i don't trust her...help i'm crying my eyes out right now....pleaseeee....he swears on our relationship he wouldn't do anything and I gave him the ultamatum that if he goes to prom with her I'll break up...please help...i don't want to lose him or be a bitch

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Awww, you sound sweet. At your age I bet it must be pretty hard under those circumstances. That is really tuff. I dont mean this in a bad way, but you probably have some growing up to do and once you get there this problem will seem a worthless worry to you.


I never made it to my prom and I dont really know the difference. So just hang tuff.


I hope that someone else can give you advice with this too.

Should I let my boyfriend go to prom with this girl who i know used to like him and that he cheated on me with? I don't know what to do...I feel like a bitch not wanting him to go, but with the girl he cheated on me with???? HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP...I know he wouldn't do anything with her...but what about her...i don't trust her...help i'm crying my eyes out right now....pleaseeee....he swears on our relationship he wouldn't do anything and I gave him the ultamatum that if he goes to prom with her I'll break up...please help...i don't want to lose him or be a bitch
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If he is now your boyfriend and he still insists on going to the prom with the girl he cheated on you with, DUMP HIM NOW!!! For him to even consider doing this makes him either the dumbest guy in the school or the most inconsiderate.


He is your boyfriend and you have asked him not to do it. His immediate reaction should have been to tell you he would not...and to call the girl and say no. That he even gave it consideration is a serious danger sign to your relationship.


In my opinion, a prom is an extremely important event...and I am assuming the girl asked him, you did not say. Going to such an event with someone when he already has a girlfriend would be a serious insult to you. If he asked the girl, not only dump him but kick him in the butt besides.


I hope you understand this is a very serious issue and shows flaws in your current relationship with him. He has already shown you he is a two-timer...and to come back and ask you if he can go to the prom with the chick he cheated on you with just makes me sick.


Reconsidering, dump him anyway. If there aren't better guys for you in your school, transfer somewhere else. This guy is a dead end...a true, live, fully certified, walking, breathing J-E-R-K!!!

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I agree. What is his motivation for wanting to go? I seriously doubt that he would be so adamant on going to the prom with her if there wasn't something in it for him. I don't necessarily mean sexual, but some need of his is being met by going with her. And your feelings aren't mattering whatsoever. Personally, I would be PISSED if I were you. What a slap in the face to you. As Tony put it, DUMP HIM!!!

If he is now your boyfriend and he still insists on going to the prom with the girl he cheated on you with, DUMP HIM NOW!!! For him to even consider doing this makes him either the dumbest guy in the school or the most inconsiderate.


He is your boyfriend and you have asked him not to do it. His immediate reaction should have been to tell you he would not...and to call the girl and say no. That he even gave it consideration is a serious danger sign to your relationship.


In my opinion, a prom is an extremely important event...and I am assuming the girl asked him, you did not say. Going to such an event with someone when he already has a girlfriend would be a serious insult to you. If he asked the girl, not only dump him but kick him in the butt besides. I hope you understand this is a very serious issue and shows flaws in your current relationship with him. He has already shown you he is a two-timer...and to come back and ask you if he can go to the prom with the chick he cheated on you with just makes me sick. Reconsidering, dump him anyway. If there aren't better guys for you in your school, transfer somewhere else. This guy is a dead end...a true, live, fully certified, walking, breathing J-E-R-K!!!


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