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So incredible, I can't hardly wait!!!!


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Here is a long story in a nutshell. I met this girl through a friend, and I know she likes me because of what she has told people. We have dated a few times, and we talk everyday. After our first date, she hugged me, and we kissed. I am pretty sure this will develop into an awesome relationship. I am looking for a girlfriend for starters, and I know she is the one I want to be with. Its hard to explain, but she makes me feel so good, its hard not to want to move faster, and askl her to be my girlfriend. I'm not sure what route to take to get to the conversation of going out, but I want her to know I'm interested in that. Any advice would be very helpfull. If any girls could tell me how long they would expect to date a guy they liked until they would want to be asked to be a girlfriend, I would appreciate it.

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I don't know about others, but I think its kindof cheesy to ask someone your dating to be your girl/boyfriend. I think you should just let things progress as they may, and eventually both of you will find yourselfs telling others that you are boyfriend/girlfriend.

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I agree. I think you should just go with the flow and let it happen naturally. You don't wanna sound like an 8th grader "Wanna go steady and be my girlfriend"....that's really corny. Just let it happen...it will!!!

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I appreciate the advice, and I will continue to go out with her, and talk to her. I guess I am a little nervous about screwing this up. She is the most incredible person I have ever met. I think I may need to tell her I really like her, so she realizes that I am interested in a relationship with her if it developes.

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When I took my girlfriends hand into mine and told her how I felt about her. I told her how I felt and have been feeling for two+ months about her, we proceeded to kiss (for hours in the dark under a large willow tree) and I told her that I wanted to go out with her as a couple (not off and on).


She really lit up and told me how she felt for so long. We have been seeing each other for over two years now!


Don't take things for granted my friend. Go for it while its there because you might miss the chance and loose her forever. I happen to think that "off and on" relationships are useless. Do you want to see her walking down the street holding another man's hand? No of course not.


Where I come from, men tell their women how they feel.


Sounds like you have balls, go for it bro!!

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I would be more confident to just tell her how I feel about her, and that I really want to be more than a friend with her, but we aren't going out. Everyone keeps telling me that I need to take my time with her, but I also don't want to miss my opportunity to tell her how I feel. I confused as to what to do...

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the last thing you want to do is tell her how much you like her. You wanna know why? She will lose interest in you because there will be no mystery. If things are going well just let them proceed on their own. Don't force it or it will blow up in your face. TRUST ME. The more you hold off and don't tell her how much you like her, and at the same time give her subtle hints such as physical affection etc, the better off you will be. You also don't want to let her think that she is your first priority. Make her understand that you have other things going on also, and that you have to make time to see her. If you do all of these things I guarantee you that you'll be in the place you want to be. Don't screw up and give in to your emotions too early, she will be gone. Good luck!

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i have great respect for all the previous postings about restraint, etc. i think they might be right.


but personally, there is nothing i respect and admire more from a guy than a strong set of gahones. love is, ideally, not the place for strategy but the place for declaring and barbaric passion. if you need to say 'i love you' her, i say do it.


worst case scenario - you lose her. that's bad, but it is not as bad as losing or repressing yourself. you're a great guy, if your postings are any inidication of your soul - she is lucky to have *you*. so i say, gather your courage to the sticking place, get out on the battlefield, and love that girl senseless. do it strong, and proudly, like a man.


some of my best memories of my past bfs are these moments of declaration - you just never forget them. get out there and imbed yourself in her memory!

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Just keep going out on dates and kissing....she will get the hint. Why else would you be going out over and over if she didnt like you and you her?

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First off, I would like to thank everyone for their posts. The advice is very appreciated. I'm still feeling the situation out so that I make what I think is the right move. More ideas are very welcomed though. Thanks again.

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