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Young Guys Going Bald UNITE!

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*Hey guys, Any advice for a young guy losing his hair? How do you guys manage to keep your self confidence? I'm willing to go along with what nature has given me, I aint trying no dumb drugs like Rogaine. I just want to know how to keep my chin up, with all my friends who HAVE hair.

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Some guys are very sexy and bald. If you think you look good, then others will respond in turn. A bald, self-assured guy is much better looking than a bald, self-pitying guy!


What looks, at least to me, as less than sexy is the comb-over... ew. And when it is so very, very sparse, it should just be shaved on off.


But, I will say about Rogaine and the other one (the name escapes me), they work. But you have to use them every day. ew.



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Baldness highlights a man's eyes - not a bad thing! Make sure you go to a good hair stylist to make the most of your appearance and you'll be fine.

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BTW, I just watched Sunday night's Sex and the City, and the husband of Charlotte on the show is a short, bald guy... Sexy as hell, I think.

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In order to keep your chin up - Keep your chin up! If all your friends have hair - think how you will stand out from the crowd == a self-assured man. If you keep your head down all people will see is the top of your pate, but keep your chin up and look people in the eye - that is sexy and appealing.


One of the sexiest men I've ever seen was Yul Brenner - and he was bald. I know that he's a different generation, but I believe there are some young bald men today that are very attractive and sexy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brother Jefferson, welcome to the club. I anoint you with the holy watered down Rogaine.


I started losing mine when I was around 22. There I was in my barber's chair, when she said "Ooh, Gaz, you're getting a bit thin up here." I almost soiled myself. My thick mane of jet black hair was on the retreat. When it got obvious, I hate to admit I got desperate. I tried covering it up.


I looked retarded.


When I realized the retardation, about five years ago, I pulled out a set of clippers and cut it REAL close. I wore it like that for a couple of months, and then I finally bit the bullet and shaved it. Since then, I haven't looked back.


Where you go from here depends on a couple of things. There's two types of hair loss, there's the receding hairline, which is what I have - you lose hair gradually from the front, but the crown stays intact (Think Bruce Willis). Then there's typical male pattern baldness, or what I refer to as "the monk look". You lose it in the crown, the front recedes slowly, and the two eventually meet (think George Costanza from Seinfeld).


If it's the first, tough luck pal, your only option is transplants. Which is a temporary measure, because your original hair will keep receding, and you'll look like a complete numpty. If it's the second, then Rogaine and Propecia can help you out, but it's more a rental than a solution - as soon as you stop using the products, then any regained hair is lost within a couple of months.


Do not, under any circumstances, try to hide the fact that you're losing it. Trust me on this. I've seen photos of myself from 5-6 years ago, and I cringe. The George Clooney "caeser" cut works, as long as you keep it short and honest.


But after a while, you are going to feel the call of the razor.


Before you take the drastic step, follow my lead and bust out a set of clippers, set them to 1 or 2, and give yourself a buzzcut. This will give you an idea of your head shape, and the opportunity to scope out any bumps or whatnot. An ugly looking dome isn't as bad as a combover, but still not nice. If all is good, proceed with the shaving. If you need tips or advice on that, then check out http://www.headshaver.org/ which is a pretty good resource. Do NOT use an electric razor. Do NOT use cheap shaving cream. Do NOT use anything but a fresh, clean, razor.

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One of the sexiest men I've ever seen was Yul Brenner - and he was bald. I know that he's a different generation, but I believe there are some young bald men today that are very attractive and sexy.


Don't forget Sean Connery! These might be older gents but lordy, HOT nonetheless!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the club. It was a little frustrating at first to lose my hair, but I came to terms that there is no way to fully restore your hair, and after all, it's just hair.


What I think is best is to just keep your hair real short, like Patrick Stewart. If you do anything else with it, it just doesn't look that good in my opinion. Once it's cut short it's one less thing on your body you have to worry about maintaining.

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