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Is Bald Sexy?

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Really, it's the person, not the hair. I don't usually like a lack of hair but two fellows I've met lately who are quite hot are both bald. It really is about the person. At least for me.

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I agree. I don't think hair has anything to do with the sexiness of a man, once you get past just a first glance. When you get to know the guy, it's his humor, honesty, loyalty, sincerity and general sensuality that matter to me.

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bald is sexy. Growing out your hair on one side of your head for a really bad comb-over isn't.


which reminds me of Jay Leno last night. Someone submitted an ad for the funny headlines segment. Seems some guy was seeking a short-term $1000 loan so that he could get hair transplants in time for his class reunion. It was funny, but in a sad kind of way. What is it about this need to look "perfect" when it's our personalities that keep people around, not looks?

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What is it about this need to look "perfect" when it's our personalities that keep people around, not looks?


This just goes to show what a shallow world we live in, still.

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Advertising is very powerful. Look how we dress for different events and for work or school or church, etc. We advertise how we want people to see us, and treat us. I could wear more casual clothes to work, but I want to get ahead so I wear suits and dresses. It's my work that will ultimatly be judged, but if I want to be in the contest I have to dress the part. But that is only part of it.


Bald can be very attractive - it's not how you wear your hair - it's how you hold your head. A bald man wearing jeans and a T-shirt holding his head up and showing his self-confidence is ever so much more appealing than a man with a full head of hair, in an $8000 suit, leaning against an expensive sports car, with his head hanging down and not looking at anyone.


If a guy is bald and he meets a woman who has a problem with that - that's okay, she's allowed her own feelings and opinions. Just leave her and find someone more compatible because the hair issue will end up being the least of the problems in the relationship.

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i'll skip the it's the personality not the looks thing, and get to the point.


to me, bald is really sexy but only on dark skin - ideally black skin. light-skinned bald men aren't a turn-off, but it's not attractive either - just doesn't really matter.


happy shaving!


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Certain guys look good bald... Vin Diesel, YES, but if my boyfriend ever went bald... ew. lol I'd still love him, but ew. His brother has been going bald for quiet some time, but he shaves his head and he's a very cute hottie! :o

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I never used to like bald men, used to associate bald with old age!

Then I met my boyfriend, he is 31 and he shaves his head because he has a receding hairline, I love it, I wouldn't want him any other way. In fact I've seen pictures of him with hair and boy does he look better now. Since I've been with him I've started noticing other attractive bald men too ( in a platonic sense )

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To me, I could care less if he's bald and 400 lbs., if he treats me right, he's a God in my eyes. I've been with Mr. All That, only to find out his first name was "Ain't".


But to answer your question, I think bald is hot.

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Well, quite frankly I prefer guys with some type of head hair.. But, that doesn't mean that if my friend, boyfriend,etc. were to shave it all off one day.. I would stop talking to him, etc.


Also, there could be circumstances such as: disease, cancer, etc. which makes one lose their hair.. But, that's just another topic of discussion.



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[font=courier new][/font][color=indigo][/color] :love: Gosh yes, bald is sexy! The last guy I dated was SO hot, and he was bald. My fiancee is almost totally bald, and buzzes what's still there to 1/8" long, and he is GORGEOUS! I found a hair replacement information CD on his desk while cleaning, and begged him not to even consider it. I told him he's the sexiest man he's ever seen JUST the way he is. I've seen lots of pics of him with hair, and he wasn't nearly as attractive. (REALLY!) Remember. God created a few perfect heads. The rest he covered in hair ;)

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Is bald sexy? You betcha! Top it off with a goatee, and that's even sexier!





For some strange reason (Yes, I loved the Cheesy Hair Bands) Long hair will still make me do a double take. There is just something about a guy with long hair.


So, I go from one extreme to the other! Go figure....

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