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Staph Infection contagious?

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My Cousin is having a christmas dinner. Recently

her Significant Other had to have hernia surgery. Well, she developed

a Staph infection a few months ago but now has it under

control apparently, is out of the hospital and is in bed at home.

I've read reports that it can be Contagious and Not contagious.

So i'm not sure what to believe. My familiy has assured us that all

is fine, but i'm still leary.


Reason i'm worried is because i don't want to take our Newborn

over there, if it's not safe. Again, i've read it can be highly

contagious and also read not. If all is fine, i have no prob going

down there...but want to be cautious.


Anyone know about this infection?

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I don't know all that much about staph.. but I honestly think you should give your pediatric doctor a call and explain the situation regarding the staph. The ped doctor should be able to tell you if it's ok to have the baby around her. Good luck. ..oh and congrats on your newborn.:)



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IMO, if the pt's condition is such that he's still on bed rest after "a few months", it sounds to me like he's still at risk for reinfection, which is common. Even a minor reinfection can compromise the pt's environment and we all know how babies like to "experience" things.


I probably wouldn't risk exposure, but, as noted, your pediatrician and his doctor are the best sources of such risk information.


Best wishes for his continued recovery :)

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