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FWB Drama

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I met my FWB almot 4 months ago. I knew he had a GF and that they have been together for about 8 years. He even told me that he cheated on her about 3 years ago.


I understand the rules to freinds with benifits- or at least I thought I did.

We text- sometimes its hot and heavy- we get together after work for drinks and Nookie. We don't see each other every day- we don't text each other but 1 time a week. Lately though he seems a little distand and wasn't replying to my texts as quick as he use to. When I asked him about it he said that he had a talk with the GF and that she was asking if something was bothering him. He's told me before that being with me gives him a case of the guilt but that we have too much fun and he'll get over the guilt he did before. During an evening of pillow talk he made the criptic comment that he needed to figure out what to do -that he and the GF had talked about getting married when their kids got older- moved out...etc. Last week he sent me a text which was a reply to a text that he was busy with his daughter- she came to visit and that he wouldn't be able to see me because he was also leaving out of town and wouldn't be back until Christmas Eve. He also made the point of telling me that he was going to spend the holidays with the GF at her house. He also said that he wasn't avoiding me, just that he's trying to clear his mind, that he's trying to be good and that I make it hard for him.

So here is my questions- We obviously have a good time, sex is great no complaints because I don't pressure him for more time then he can give me but what should I do about him distancing himself and telling me he's clearing his mind and trying to be good. Should I take this as him tellig me goodbye?

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If I were you I would hurry and be the first one to say : beubye.. because he's obviously 'tired' of you.. and it's better if you dump him before he dumps you.. right!


This was NOT a FWB relationship.. this was more of a OW/MM relationship.. he is stringing you in.. this is sooo obvious.. I can't believe you're not seeing this..

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