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Running out of things to do on dates in Iowa...


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Have you been to that Field of Dreams place in Iowa? That's a hoot. If you've already been there, catch a Greyhound Bus to Nebraska. I've always found Nebraska to be a load of fun.

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I;m looking for more places to go n iowa espacilly in the des moines area I'd aprisiate itif someone would reply cuase i dont wanna fll apar with my girl

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Your wish is my command. For things to do in Des Moines, click the links below:






http://www.drake.edu/stuff2do.html ----> This one is especially good...lots of stuff to do.




Most of the stuff above is free or low cost. Once you've done most of that, call the Chamber of Commerce for more ideas. The only thing they won't tell you about is places you can make love. You sort of have to find those yourself...and watch out for those Des Moine police officers...they spot just about everything.


I think I want to go to Des Moines!!!

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