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My marriage sucks

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My hubby and I have been together for almost 12 years and we have had our issues but hubby seems to be jelous of me because we live near my family and his is not around. His mother passed away and now he hardly has family left and my family is always there for me and he says they baby me. If something bad happens to me he acts like he don't give a **** at all, but if I tell my Mom she asks me if I am ok and he says she babies me, but of course your family is gonna have my back. Hubby's family lives in the city and we live upstate and they hardly talk, but that's not my fault. It feels like he resents that I have my family and he don't have his. On top if that we live more like roomates than h/w .


I feel alone and depressed all the time I get no attention all he does when he's not working is talk about work, or our money problems. How do you know when it's time to let go and move on? I know this ain't healthy at all. Everything with hubby is a competition, he feels like my family is there for me so why do I need him 4? What kind of man hears that their wife fell down the stairs and don't even ask of she's ok, but then calls her a retard for falling in the first place? I need some good advice?

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He calls you a retard man I would push him down the stairs and leave his ass!:laugh: he sounds like a real bear of a husband and he is just very bitter does he get along with ur family at all?

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I love my hubby , but sometimes I really wonder if I made the right decision by being with him. Don't we all have regrets in life. I have put myself in the worse position ever having so totally depend on hubby for everything. We barely have any physiacal contact anymore, actually for a while now. I miss all that affectionate stuff. I know alot has changed within the past year,but I feel like I don't even matter to him anymore. so my question is how do I know when it's time to walk away? and how would I even do it?

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Before you walk away, you could try letting him know that you need him, and stop calling your family for everything. A man who doesn't feel needed will get resentful, feel useless, lash out.


Just try it for a month or two--every need you have, bring it to your husband and nobody else.

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