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Wanting to confront B/F ex!

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I have a problem! My b/f ex of 3 yrs lives next door to him! He recently celebrated a birthday which he spent with me however, a couple of days later I was at his house and saw some birthday steamer attached to his garage door! I asked who put it up and he told me! I was a little pissed! Later, I asked if she gave him anything and he said no! I told him I'm just about to the point where I'm going to call her and see whats going on! He asked me not to! He said she just wished me H/b that's it! I'm trying to not be jealous but it's real hard! what would ya'll do?

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Either you trust your bf or you don't. What do you think you will accomplish by talking to his ex? If your bf does not want anything to do with her then it is up to him to tell her.

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I've thought about what it would accomplish by me talking to her alot! And honestly the only thing it would accomplish is she would know she gets on my nerves and that would probably make her try a little harder! I just wish she'd move on they've been broke up a year and we've been together 8 months! We're talking about moving in together and yes maybe even marriage in the future! He tells me I have nothing to worry about see he's 38, I'm 37 and she's the younger woman she's 26!

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whatever you do, never confront her!

i made that mistake once because of a meddling psycho ex of my current bf.

she took that as me being threatened (which i guess i was a little)

and went completely insane!

she started texting me and trying to tell me that my bf didn't love me and was using me

and that they were still seeing each other and all kinds of crap.

of course, i knew they didn't see each other because i caught her in several lies.

one of which:

she said they were together a certain night when i was with him the whole night.

she felt really stupid when i called her on it and she eventually gave up. but she's still a nutjob and would do anything

to have him in her life. (even though she's back with her ex-husband)




it's just a really bad idea.


one thing you need to beware of:

does this girl have any close female friends?

if not, look out. women like that generally don't care what they do to another woman and have absolutely no respect for

anyone else's relationship. meaning, they will lie their butts off to make you doubt your relationship.


ignore her and she will go away. but he has to do the same.

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