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How did you spend your christmas with your LD love?

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I was suprised since it's christmas time that nobody asked about this...


I spent my christmas by sending her a gift couple of weeks back and she did the same and both of us (i'm in new jersey and she's in brazil 3 hour time difference) opened up our gifts in front of each other on webcam and we talked all day with a little webcam fun


how did you guys spend your christmas? :love::love::love:

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I went to visit her last week for a few (short) days. She only lives 2500 miles away, so visits are do-able with a little planning. Fortunately, the holiday bonus came in time to cover the trip! :)


So-- I wasn't able to spend the actual holiday with her, but we had a wonderful visit and celebrated our 1-year anniversary (dating) and the holidays in general. I took her to a real nice dinner-- dressed to the nines and the whole works. Afterwards, at her home, I insisted she open the Christmas gifts I brought so we could enjoy the moment together.


Then--- home, sadly... But we chatted by phone for a good amount of time on 12/24 and been emailing once a day or so. We both had nice celebrations with our respective families, and filled each other in on it all.


Not as nice as being able to spend it together, but I have my dreams of future possibilities. And meanwhile we are making the best of the distance. As I've mentioned in another thread, I have no idea what the future holds, but we're living "in the moment" and so far, so good...


Happy Holidays, All!



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