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I read somewhere that when we pick our "mate" they would resemble..

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I once read a long time ago, an article that when we have found a mate they would resemble subconciously of your parents, weither it be physical or personality wise.


This I found I would agree with. I was looking at photographs of my youngerself when I was say eight with my dad and I had to do a double take. My father's physical appereance looks just like my other half.


I didn't think of it. Until I looked at the pic and it was so there. The top of the shoulder long brown hair, the brown eyes (my father's has a gold rim around, my otherhalf light brown), skinny physic etc.


Has this happen to you?

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not my parents, but when I saw a photo of my H from high school, I was struck at how much he looked like my high school boyfriend. Skinny, long curly black hair, standing in front of a Camero...freaky. :)

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My S/O does NOT look like my father at all - and I completely adore my father. I never did like men who had any facial hair, though, and Dad had a rather grand, and much doted-upon, handlebar mustache.


He does, however, share some charactaristics like the soft southern accent and certain old fashioned attitudes.

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DH and my dad have a lot of characteristics in common, which can be alternately endearing and scary! But they look nothing alike ...

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um. my dad is black.. my boyfriend is white/european, in otherwords they look nothing alike lol.. but they do share some things in common personality wise they are both traditional, outspoken, family oriented, worked in law enforcement.

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Yes, it has happened to me quite often, in retrospect. While it's not exact, the similarities are there. Long, lean, fit, with a strong masculine face. For personality, intellect and sense of humour, most definitely.


I'm very close to both my parents and have a lot of love, respect and admiration for them. My father has always called me his little princess and that's something that won't change.


You'll probably find this happening more often with people who've had positive experiences with their parents.

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I have an excellent relationship with my Dad. He is sweet, gentle and kind. He is also very quiet.I am the only daughter in a family of four children. I also look just like his side of the family.

My fiance's personality is a composite of my Dad and my oldest bro. Like my father, my love is also introverted and sweet. He is also sarcastic, highly intelligent and preppy like my brother.

I see women choosing men who will abandon them if they didn't have a father figure. Conversely, I see women choosing loving men if their father was also loving.

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Nikki Sahagin

I strongly believe this. I think it's in part because we seek out the uncondtional love that are parents are supposedly meant to provide, as such we seek out, whether consciously or unconsciously, those who remind us of them at some level and so therefore can fit that desire for an unconditional love.


I think my boyfriend has certain traits of my father. He has a lot of the Taurean about him. He is very generous (always buys me presents and spends a lot of money on me...until recently with a new job and tighter finances). But he also is highly affectionate which is not like my father at all - more like my mother.


I've always been attracted to tall, dark and handsome (my father). For some reason I don't like men with blue eyes...

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