Star Gazer Posted December 31, 2008 Share Posted December 31, 2008 Also, don't think your problem is limited to work snacking. That only amounted to 2 of the 7,000+ calories you ate in one day. Your Chili's meal alone was over budget for the entire day... Also, what are you drinking? Soda, juice, booze? Anything other than water will cause weight gain (even diet sodas increase apettite). Link to post Share on other sites
mrose2008 Posted January 1, 2009 Share Posted January 1, 2009 You better nip this in the bud in a hurry..I am 6mths pregnant and gained 30lbs... I have since changed my diet and I am dropping the weight I don't need for the baby (My ob said this was ok)..You weight more than me and I am pregnant..I got pregnant at 132lbs (I am 5'7") and 32yrs old..You better start getting on a healthy diet soon before you are so big you can't fit through the door of your apartment..You need to get healthy because you want to live a long and healthy life..I know about not wanting to exercise but find something that you really enjoy and do it..a food diary is great..It keeps things in perspective..Also you can have sweets just limit them ex..maybe 1/2 cup of ice cream..etc...Being healthy is extremely important and you are so very young.... Link to post Share on other sites
Angel1111 Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Test results for thyroid problems are often not correct when done through blood work. And I'm not trying to crippled anyone or give them excuses about weight gain. Thyroid and hormore problems can destroy all efforts to lose weight. But if you really believe this is controllable and it's because of something you're doing, then it's silly to let yourself get so out of shape. And don't forget, your wedding pictures will be there for years and years and years. Not only that, if you don't get a handle on this now, it will get so out of control that you won't even know where to begin to get rid of it. Link to post Share on other sites
brothelmaiden Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Listen. I'm gonna give it to you straight. YOUR EATING HABITS ARE OUT OF CONTROL AND MUST BE CHANGED IMMEDIATELY. It's GREAT that you wrote it all down for yourself to see, but you don't seem to think it's a big deal. It is. It soooo is. I'm gonna break it down for you to show you. Each number in bold is the calorie content for each food you listed from Hot chocolate: 170 Dunkin' Donuts' chocolate chip muffin: 630 At no less than 80 calories per Lindt truffle, that's 2,080 calories. (I'm estimating what you ate here) Chicken parm (1 piece): 220 Baked ziti (1 serving): 700 Ceasar salad (small): 190 Garlic bread (2 pieces): 340 Cheese cake (2 slices): 580 Entire meal (not counting ranch or other dipping sauces): 1,880 Ice cream: 300 It worries me that you don't know how many you had. 3 or 4? Or 25? Let's assume (hope?) it was only 6 cookies at 130 a cookie: 780 This is BEYOND "a lot of food." In one day, you consumed 7,870 calories!!! Just to give you an idea of how much I eat, I gain weight at 2,000 calories, lose weight at 1,400 and maintain at 1,700. And I'm 5'4 AND active, so I require more calories than someone who's sedentary. You are 23, sedentary, and 5'2'' tall. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) at your current weight of 203 is therefore 1,721 calories per day. ( This means that in order to maintain your current weight at your current activity level, you'd need to consume 1,721 calories her day. Eating less than your BMR will cause you to lose weight over time; eating more than your BMR will cause you to gain weight. As such, if you consume more than 1,721 calories per day (on average), you will gain weight. How much? Well, for every 3,500 extra calories you consume, you will gain a pound. (One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories of energy. Consuming 3,500 more calories will make you gain that pound; consuming 3,500 calories less [or burning those calories through exercise] will make you lose a pound.) By eating 7,870 calories per day, you are consuming 6,149 more calories each day than you need. At that rate, you should expect to gain 1.75 pounds PER DAY. At that rate, you will be like 600 pounds in 2 more years!!! This has got to stop!!! You seriously need to learn about moderation and calories and how to make better food choices. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do your HEALTH a favor. Make an appointment with a nutritionist ASAP...or at the very least, join Weight Watchers (the in-person version) so you can learn to make better choices. Holy crap, thanks for the breakdown. That is a LOT LOT LOT of BAD BAD BAD food to eat on a daily basis. I agree, something has got to give here because she is deteriorating her health. Link to post Share on other sites
brothelmaiden Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 I could only jog a couple hundred feet before I was out of breath and had to stop, it felt so awkward the way my whole body jiggled and it actually began to hurt. That's one of the reasons it's so difficult to lose the weight after it's put on; it's just too much strain exercising. But, of course there needs to be a combo of exercise and healthy diet because it is probably impossible to burn the majority of calories you consume daily= over 7000!! You need to lighten your load of daily consumption substantially, at least try filling up with foods that are very calorie-limited. Do some research. Please avoid restaurants. Start taking control of your life and do some shopping on your own. I agree with another poster's advice to seek medical help and counsel first. I'm sure they will have some good ideas on where to go from here and how healthy you are to try different methods. I really hope you are able to get your body on the right track before health-related problems are generated. Link to post Share on other sites
booboo2 Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Okay, that is a serious amount of really bad calories. I like to snack too, so I know the feeling of wanting something to nibble, not really hungry, just something to do. Consult with your doctor before beginning any program. I am glad you jogged...I, too, hate jogging and will only run if there is someone chasing me:p try 1 minute walking, 30 seconds jogging. I know everything jiggles, but think of it this way-jiggly is good. The hard packed fat is the hardest to get rid of. Anyway, do this for just 10 minutes the first week-every day. Do not staple your mouth shut-on the contrary eat six small meals a day. If one of those meals is Lindt chocolate-okay- but only three chocolates, not 26 It won't fill you up like grilled chicken breast on lettuce(spritzer dressing) but hey! Lastly-you will have to get another dress. And you need to find out why you want to eat. See a counselor There are great programs out there-Weight Watchers, EAS, TOPS etc. Good Luck and let us know how it is going. Link to post Share on other sites
Author nikki2 Posted January 3, 2009 Author Share Posted January 3, 2009 Ok, so I threw away all the snacks that were at my desk in work. I am going to switch from regular pepsi to diet pepsi (I am a huge soda junkie). I talked to my 2 house mate (who are both brides maids) about helping me to lose weight. We may do weight watchers together, even though they are both half the size of me and have little to no weight to lose. I am going to see if I can lose weight without exercise, just by watching what I eat. It is just too hard for me to exercise I am still too embarassed to call davids bridal about the dress. I am going to wait a month, see how much weight I lose and then call them Feb 1. My fiance has said nothing negative about my weight even though I have been complaining to him all the time about it. I kinda wish he had, maybe it would have motivated me earlier before my weight got a little out of control. Link to post Share on other sites
anne1707 Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 Nikki Going to Weightwatchers would be a great way to go. I promise you it does work. However I also think you would benefit from some exercise. It does not have to be running, etc. It can just be going for a walk every day. It will help you lose the weight and it is important that as you lose more weight that you work on toning your body. Just take it steady and build more vigorous exercise into your regime as you feel fitter. Link to post Share on other sites
zoe1983 Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 I can totally sympathize with you in this situation. I am actually about to start weight watchers myself because i have gained about 50 pounds since I started dating my boyfriend. We have been together about 3 and a half years. It really is not as hard as you think to gain so much weight so quickly. Once you start to eat more and more your stomach expands and its easy to just pretend that you don't even notice how much you are eating. Although it is not healthy to gain so much weight, don't waste time beating yourself up about it. Whats done is done and the only productive thing to do from here is to make changes so that you can become more healthy. People might not agree with me on this but i personally think that you should start with a healthy diet first and then integrate exercise into your plan later on. When people try to change everything at once it often backfires and i know with me that i am much more confident working out after i have already lost some weight. Also i am around your age (25) and it was around the time that i got to college that i started have serious problems. Not only was i less active than i was in high school but i was also tempted by the college dining hall. It was like a freakin unlimited buffet when i was used to my parents house were i had one option for dinner and if i didn't like it i just went without. I also got introduced to alcohol which has more calories than you even want to think about. Things got even worse when i got out of college and had to prepare all my food on my own. I hate to cook and suck at it so i basically rely on fast food and frozen dinners. I also work in an office were i sit on my butt all day and people are always bringing in free food. Like i said i am about to start weight watchers and i seriously think it would work wonders for you. I have done it once before and managed to lose 40 pounds in like three months. That might seem like a lot and most people would assume i did it in an unhealthy way but seriously all i did was stick to the weight watchers plan perfectly. To be completely honest i didn't even exercise at all, although i don't recommend that. Please don't give up on your dreams of being a healthy bride that can fit in her size 12 dress. It is definitely doable as long as you commit to eating healthy from this point on. Also even if none of your friends want to join with you, you should still join. One of the most powerful components of weight watchers is the support and encouragement you get from the weekly meetings. It might seem cheesy but it really helped me. The one thing i find funny about your post is that my mother is always telling me that she knows i don't want to be a fat bride so she will know when im serious about marriage when i start to lose the weight. Well i am expecting an engagement ring in the next six months so i am trying to get a head start! Just please dont get down on yourself and feel all is lost. get to work on yourself and i promise you will see results. Good luck! Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Bean Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 Wow, girl. You have almost doubled your weight in two years, and at this rate, you're going to be 300 by the wedding. I don't think I eat 7k calories in a week. For your height and weight, I would think you would be a great candidate for gastric bypass surgery. I'd seriously look into it if you want to look good on your wedding day, OR, I would postpone the wedding. But, more importantly, I'd examine why you put on this amount of weight. There are deeper emotional/psychological reasons for it... Link to post Share on other sites
zoe1983 Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 just a comment on the gastric bypass surgery thing. Although you are obviously overweight, i really don't think you are overweight enough for the surgery. You are still at a weight were you could definitely lose the weight through healthy diet and exercise. Plus a lot of people don't realize this but usually when you have the surgery you only lose about 60-70% of the extra weight you gained. Obviously this is a lot but its not like you are going to have the surgery and end up being 120 pounds or something. Plus, if you already have the habit of overeating there is a very real possibility that you will simply stretch your stomach out all over again. I know of numerous people that got the surgery and then like two years later they just stretched their stomach back out and are overweight all over again. Also most doctors will expect you to try diet and exercise for at least six months before they are even willing to discuss the surgery. The surgery has a lot of risks involved and also requires lifelong vitamin use and also not all of it is covered by insurance so you will end up paying at least a thousand dollars out of pocket. Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Bean Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 just a comment on the gastric bypass surgery thing. Although you are obviously overweight, i really don't think you are overweight enough for the surgery. You are still at a weight were you could definitely lose the weight through healthy diet and exercise. She's 5'2" and over 200 pounds. This puts her in obesity class II, which is one notch below morbidly obese, and puts her at a severe risk of health problems or death. This is a HUGE amount of weight, considering her height. Im honestly amazed she doesn't already have associated health problems, considering her lack of activity and diet. Link to post Share on other sites
zoe1983 Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 well just to put myself out there....i am 5'3 and weigh 239 pounds. I know that this is extremely unhealthy and that i need to do something about it. However, i have no health problems whatsoever and am still able to swim for at least an hour straight before i become tired. I am fully confident that if i join weight watchers and go on a healthy diet and exercise program that i can lose the hundred pounds necessary to have a health BMI. I just feel that often people turn to gastric bypass surgery as a quick fix when in fact many people can fix their weight problem simply through diet, exercise, and good old fashion hard work. Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Bean Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 well just to put myself out there....i am 5'3 and weigh 239 pounds. I know that this is extremely unhealthy and that i need to do something about it. However, i have no health problems whatsoever and am still able to swim for at least an hour straight before i become tired. I am fully confident that if i join weight watchers and go on a healthy diet and exercise program that i can lose the hundred pounds necessary to have a health BMI. I just feel that often people turn to gastric bypass surgery as a quick fix when in fact many people can fix their weight problem simply through diet, exercise, and good old fashion hard work. Well, according to the charts, this makes you morbidly obese, class III. And FWIW, I wonder if your weight problem is what is contributing to your sexual dysfunction... Link to post Share on other sites
zoe1983 Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 i don't really think it has anything to do with my sexual problems considering the fact that i have always had the orgasm problem, even when i only weighed 120 pounds. Also i fully agree with the fact that i am morbidly obese. I am simply saying that i am pretty confident that i could lose the weight with diet and exercise instead of going to the extreme of major surgery (which gastric bypass is). Also i was just trying to inform the original poster that the surgery is not a cure all for her problem. If she is overeating for an emotional problem then the surgery might not fix it because she could very simply stretch out her stomach all over again and gain the weight back. Link to post Share on other sites
You'reasian Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 I think it would be nice for your man to support you mentally and emotionally while you are going through this. If my girl gained weight and had a desire to trim down I would tell her this: "Baby, I know you want to lose weight and I want to help you do that. Its not going to be easy, but I will do what ever I can to help. Let's sit down and go over the diet plan etc. etc. and go over some excercise routines" I could accompany her at the gym, but I think most people dont want to excercise with me at the gym.... And then at night, I'd show her our special workout:love: Link to post Share on other sites
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