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A weird love story

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I have been married for 3 years now and have a child of 2.5 years old. It is very complicated and now we have been separated for nearly 6 months. Neither me nor her have any intends of patching up. She has even filed for separation. I have even changed my religion from a hindu to a catholic and also my second name because of this girl.

Now the problem is. I know another girl from my workplace who has been working with me for more than 2 years. I have always like this girl due to her unique nature and developed feelings for her. I never approached her firstly due to my marital problems and instability, and secondly due to her family background. Her family is very othordox and will never agree to her marrying a divorced man and also due to my current religion.

The main problem however is... Looking at this girls behaviour and introvert nature and because of what i was going through and because I was taunted by my ex that i had an affair with that girl. I got a rakhee tied by her (a traditional band that indian girls tie to a brother).

As time passed i i got closer and closer to this girl, and on offlate I feel that I did a big blunder by doing so, because we both have closer to each other. I can feel the emotions flow accross each other through our body language. I feel very loved and wanted they way she bahaves and looks at me.

I have a feeling she knows that I have feelings for her but prefers to hide her own. I am the only person she lets come in her private space (specially when we are alone together). She lets out feelings through her eyes and body language so much that somitimes i feel like hugging her and expressing my love for her.

I dont know what to do next? All i know is that I want her as a life partner. I am ready to work on it. I also want to know how to get out of the brother thingy. She uses this on me specaillt when i try to express my feelings verbally to her.

Someone help me please.

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You are reading too much into this.

She has made it clear how she sees you.


Your marital status and new Religion also provide obstacles.


I'm afraid to my mind this is not a skilful action and you should consider stopping this pursuit.


Perhaps there are some things you could address, but I am not saying this would change things for you:


Are you comfortable as a Catholic, or are you more drawn to your previous Hindu faith?

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You're reading too much into them.

She's already made that clear to you.

The positive signs are affection, but they're not love.

Positive signs are just that.

Signs that are positive in nature rather than hostile or negative.

But they don't mean she's willing to embark on any relationship.


I asked you about which way you felt your spiritual leanings were taking you.

Catholicism or Hinduism?


The question is relevant.


I WAS Catholic, I am now Buddhist.

Either way, I might be able to offer additional insight into both of these aspects if you choose......

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You're reading too much into them.

She's already made that clear to you.

The positive signs are affection, but they're not love.

Positive signs are just that.

Signs that are positive in nature rather than hostile or negative.

But they don't mean she's willing to embark on any relationship.


I asked you about which way you felt your spiritual leanings were taking you.

Catholicism or Hinduism?


The question is relevant.


I WAS Catholic, I am now Buddhist.

Either way, I might be able to offer additional insight into both of these aspects if you choose......


Actually I dont believe either. I am not an atheist either. I believe in one universal God.


What would you suggest I do? I am lost as you know by now.

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