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Am I working out the wrong way?

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I know part of how your body looks like comes from genetics (and it's kind of scary if it's fully true). Anyway, I've been going to the gym on a regular basis for about 2 years, stopped for a couple of months, and started picking up the routine again. I'm 27 years old. Asian guy. I know I'm not going to get the cut look like Bruce Lee, but I want to get somewhere close to that area. From what I've been told, I should lift more weight and less reps to bulk up. Another thing I've been told is to start off with a light weight and a lot of reps to warm up. Then put it on the heaviest I can lift and do as many reps as I can then lower down the weight. Which one is true?


Also it seems very hard for me to gain weight. I eat almost as much as anyone around the work office. I occasionally drink beer. Yet when I weigh myself at the gym, it seems like I'm always at the same weight or even loosing weight. I started drinking at least one protein shake a day, but nothing seems to work. Anyone have suggestions? I'm at a loss here.

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Warming up is essential.


It's fine to mix up your lifting style. You can do some days of low reps/high weights and others with medium reps and weights. Drop-sets (the second technique you describe) can be effectiv but I would not do them as an all-the-time thing.


You want to find yourself a good compound-movement-based, periodized, weight lifting program. I recommend Googling for Chad Waterbury, Alan Cosgrove or Joel Marion and adopting one of their programs.


Of course, you cannot gain muscle unless you eat right so I'd recommend tracking your calories for a week or so until you develop a sense of how much you need to eat to create a slight caloric excess which, with the right program, will allow you to grow some muscle. At some point, you may get interested in nurtient timing, which can further helkp you with your goals.

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the other guys that op said are all good trainers, teachers etc. as far as weights go. i follow doran yates. alot of 5x5's, after proper warm ups. most of the guys op wrote about hang out and write at t- nation. check them out.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I have some more questions though. I want to bulk up, but to a certain point. Then I want to start cutting. How do I know at what point I should do that? I want to have that Bruce Lee look or at least close do it anyway. I'm skinny as it is already and my even though I haven't measured my BMI, I'm pretty sure it's not anything to worry about. I'm 5'8" and weight around 140lbs. The weight I want to gain is purely muscle, but I'm sure a little weight gain from fat can't be avoided. Should I focus less on weight machines and more on free weights? Does a smith machine count as a weight machine? I always heard you get more of a workout if you focus more on free weights.

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free weights are the best. smith mach does not count as free weight. how is your diet? your gonna need lots of protien, try a gram and a half per pound of body weight. so that's somewhere around 210-220 grams per day."but" you really should look up different web. sites and ask the experts.

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Is your goal strictly strength and size? Are there any athletic needs as well?

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If you're going for strength and size alone, you should be lifting weights and doing minimal cardio. Make sure you get a physical check up with the doc.


Use your basic 3 as your backbone for your workout: bench press, squat, deadlift. Add on additional excercises to target large muscle groups - lateral pulldowns, butterflyes, military press, leg extensions, leg curls...etc.


Focus on using heavy enough weights that you cannot do more than 5-6 repetitions. Use controlled, slow movements.


As far as diet is concerned, go all out. It sounds like you've got a high to abnormally high metabolism. Go crazy on the buffets- just make sure you're not eating unhealthy.


Good luck!

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Also it seems very hard for me to gain weight. I eat almost as much as anyone around the work office. I occasionally drink beer. Yet when I weigh myself at the gym, it seems like I'm always at the same weight or even loosing weight. I started drinking at least one protein shake a day, but nothing seems to work. Anyone have suggestions? I'm at a loss here.
I believe if you are bulking up, you need about twice as much protein in your diet. You also need more than the recommended ammount of sleep.

You will actually lose muscle mass if you eat the recommended daily ammount of protein while working out hard.

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  • 4 weeks later...
free weights are the best. smith mach does not count as free weight. how is your diet? your gonna need lots of protien, try a gram and a half per pound of body weight. so that's somewhere around 210-220 grams per day."but" you really should look up different web. sites and ask the experts.


its 1.6 to 2g protein/Kg of bodyweight/day.


you should aim for 3-4 sets of 12 reps for muscle development. Bigger weights and less reps will increase strength not always size.


sounds like you have a high metabolism..are you lean? tall? longer limbs mean its harder for joints to support heavier weights. do some stability work on your joints first and then go with 3-4 x 12 to failure. thats the science anyway.

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As far as diet is concerned' date=' go all out. It sounds like you've got a high to abnormally high metabolism. Go crazy on the buffets- just make sure you're not eating unhealthy.[/quote']


This was the only thing that worked for me. I had to fundamentally change my whole attitude towards food. Just eat all the time, whether hungry or not. TONS of protein. Sure enough, I eventually gained almost 10 lbs. of muscle.


I simply don't have the discipline required to get freaky big though. I don't think I can put in the hours at the gym or the dinner table! Not to mention, running doesn't help.

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