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naked pictures of ex-girl friends on homepage

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I got a lot of flack from people on this forum regarding a few naked pictures of ex-girl friends that I have on my home page. However the negative response I got pales in comparison to the reaction I got from my ex-girl friends when they heard from their friends that I had these pictures posted. Laura was very angry and Grettel was in tears when she confronted me about this. Not only that, but Grettel’s husband and Laura’s fiancé are both furious about the whole thing.


I didn’t mean to upset so many people. I decided to remove these pictures, especially for Grettel, who seemed most upset. I promised her I’d remove them as soon as I can. Also my girlfriend Maki said she’d prefer to see these pictures off my homepage.


What I don’t understand is why my ex-girl friends and their husband/fiancé (and everyone on this forum) were so upset about a few naked pictures. It’s not like they were ugly girls that should be ashamed of their bodies. In fact, my buddies thought they were kind of sexy.


Besides, these pictures didn’t show a whole lot more then what you can see at the beach. Girls don’t have a problem with the public seeing them in a bikini. Their husbands, fiancés or boyfriends also don’t have and issue with their sweet hearts being seen at the beach with 90% of their body exposed. Yet everyone gets all bent out of shape with a few naked photos.


Either way, once I can remember the password to access the page, I will remove these pictures. I have so many passwords, I’m having difficulties remembering it, but I believed I wrote it down somewhere on my PC. When I find it I’ll delete these pictures and everyone will be happy.

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alright. here is what we know so far:


a. grettel et al were not alarmed by nudity. judging from the general randiness of this crowd, its doubtful anyone here would be ridiculously prudish either.


b. both grettel et al and this crowd found you website alarming and unethical.


c. so, you know predict in advance that it is *not* because of the nudity - it is instead the gross invasion of privacy.


it is against the law, regardless of how cool and sexy your slobbering buds thought it was.


i'm trying to think of an analogy that might help you understand, but it's difficult.


perhaps one of your ex-girlfriends telling graphic detailed tales all around the internet and to her friends about how ridiculously rotten in bed you were and how poorly endowed?


xox j

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It's not up to you to decide what boundaries others should have. It's sad you haven't the insight to know that ladies don't enjoy their naked photos being published on the Internet. You just better pray that none of them seeks an attorney. You published those photos without a written model release. Even though you've taken them off your website, they could have every penny you ever make.


I hope you consider thinking before doing stuff like that again. If you don't trust your judgement, find a good advisor or attorney. Your arguments set forth above are pretty lame. It sounds like you are capable of doing some wild stuff that could land you in jail, in the poorhouse, in the morgue or all three. You're lucky one of these lady's husbands or boyfriends didn't find you and punch you out...or worse.

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perhaps one of your ex-girlfriends telling graphic detailed tales all around the internet and to her friends about how ridiculously rotten in bed you were and how poorly endowed?


omg....that happens to me all the time. I hate all women named jennifer, jenny, or anything with a j which shall not be named. Only women so evil would do this to a person. :D


But I find this kinda funny....how did you obtain these "photos" of those lovely ladies? If they willingly agreed to taking those pics, then shame on them. They got what they deserve. If not, you should be crucified and then flogged. Seriously though, why did you post the pics to begin with?

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eeps - i would never ever EVER do that! i just wanted him to understand that the feelings of embarrassment might be similar! lol - i have to redeem my cyber name now.

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Ok, I found the password and was able to change my homepage. I should have known it would be the same password as my email password. I replaced the naked pictures of my ex-girlfriends with a picture of a boat.


I wonder how many people who expressed distain toward me for posting these pictures clicked on the links to view these pictures for themselves.


Anyway, this should make everything right and my ex-girlfriends have no more reason to be upset with me. Maki, my girlfriend is happy with my decision.


All’s well that ends well.


Thanks for the advice.

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There was a link? Damn it, put them back up! I dunno whats worse, being posted nude without your permission or being replaced by a boat.

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he's the sort of dude that is going to masturbate, a lot, throughout his life.


What does that mean? I am that sort of dude.

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Originally posted by sonofhud

If they willingly agreed to taking those pics, then shame on them.

WHY??? Is this immoral? or is it to post them online to the world?

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WHY??? Is this immoral? or is it to post them online to the world?


I dont know if its immoral. Whats immoral to you might not be immoral to me. My question is why are they taking pics in the first place if they don't want to show them to anyone? Whats the point? What are they thinking? Oh yah, Im gonna take nude pics of you and keep them in a box for myself. riiiight....those girls are dumb.

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