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New Years Plans - Save the Drama...

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For New Years, hubby and I have several options of what we could do. Normally we don't have New Years off together and haven't in years so I make plans with friends or family to go out. This year we actually get to spend it together!


My sister invited us over to her house, my friend invited us out to the bars, his brothers invited us to go to the bars, my other friend invited us to his house to games and food, and his co-worker below invited us bowling, two days ago---->>>>.


Female at work, they don't hang out outside of work or talk outside of work (well not really, only if in a group setting). But while at work they do have lunch together and help each other with reports, etc. I have always felt a little uncomfortable with their relationship (especially after she suggested a squad only Vegas trip), but I won't make my H stop talking to her. The other night we were talking about their friendship (which was brought up because he told me a rumor was going around that they were sleeping together) and I asked if he was at all attracted to her and he said: "Yes, which is why I don't hang out with her outside of work, so that I don't cross any lines." I asked him if based on that he thought it would be a bad idea to continue hanging out with her. He said no, that she is one of the only people at work he gets along with and he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. I said, well I don't like rumors about you, which involve our relationship going around so maybe you could cool it. He said there are always rumors around there and they just need to be ignored.-----<<<<


I already checked with him and RSVPed to go to my friends house, about a month ago. Now my hubby isn't sure what he wants to do. He knows he doesn't want to go to the bars and a few days ago he said he would like to go to my friends, that it sounds like it would be the most fun.


So when I talked to him today he said we would talk later on what we would be doing tonight...ummmm??? It's a toss up between bowling or going to my friends. But I already RSVP and I am bringing food to my friends for a potluck type event.


Also, I don't really want to go bowling...should I put my foot down? The reason I hestitate is because he hasn't had a New Years off in like three or four years...and I want him to have a good time.

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Red, I didn't see this yesrerday, so I'm sorry you've not had a reply.

What di you end up doing?


here's what I HOPE you did -

You went to your friends' house and had a great time.


He either came with you and

  • sulked
  • also had a good time
  • ruined it fo everyone




you left him to his own devices!!

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