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Trust: If your significant other lied to you, would you be able to forgive and forget

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How many of you believe that honesty is the best policy? If your significant other lied to you, would you be able to forgive and forget? Or would the trust be lost all together:question:

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YOU ASK: "If your significant other lied to you, would you be able to forgive and forget?"


It would depend on the lie. People are human. I personally would be able to forgive most anything, though I would let my disappointment be known. A lot of people couldn't overlook it. Odd thing, most people who can't forgive those who lie are big liars themselves. People can't take what they give out lots of times. I do think honesty is the best policy and I would never have a partner who would not create an atmosphere in which telling the absolute truth wasn't made easy. Again, it depends on the lie, the circumstances and if there was a history of deceit.

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Honesty is the best policy, but it doesn't always work. A lot of things are "if you dont know it cant hurt you". Ignorance is bliss kinda thing. I would be willing to forgive and forget most things, but some things cross the line. Its easy to get caught up in your lying and then you lie about your lies and it just snowballs into a big train wreck later on down the road. If I ever find out about my significant other "cheating" on me or what not, I would drop her like its hot. Sure, I could prolly forgive her eventually, but that doesn't mean I have to stick with her or trust her anymore. Again, if you communicate well with your partner, there shouldn't be any trust problems anyways.

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trusting somebody who lied to you in the past is forgivable BUT what can you say

to my bf?....he lied to me 6 times (5 girls) and that was...since the first day of our

relationship up to the 7th?..dig that? now it is our 8th month together...what's

more? his mom is a matha whatevah!..she is a BIG itch!..she treats me so

unfairly...so what can you say about that? a BF like that with a mom like his?

how can you TRUST both in the SINCERITY LEVEL then? considering that i clinically sick.

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I am with Tony on the fact that it would depend on the lie. If it was something minor like if I asked him if he did the laundry and he said yes when he really didn't....that would be different than if I asked him if he was cheating on me and he said no and really was. Two totally different levels of seriousness.


I think trust is essential in a relationship and I don't think any relationship can work without it. Honesty is always the best policy in my book, because no matter what - eventually the other person will find out.

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