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girlfriend medication withdrawal


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so, i'm in a lot of pain right now. i've been going out with this girl for a little over a year and recently she just pulled a 180 and has become insanely aggressive. the thing is, she has been on a number of anti-psychotic medications for a while and recently stopped taking them out of the blue. She didn't ween herself off either, she just stopped taking them cold turkey. since then, and i mean exactly since then, she has been OUT OF CONTROL. she'll say the nastiest things to me and hit me and REFUSES TO ADMIT SHE NEEDS HER MEDS (and it's not like i sit there saying she needs them, it wasn't until a few incidents that i simply *suggested* she try to go back on them). she is nasty to everybody, too. her mother, her friends, etc. i love her and have been through a lot with her. i realize that being with her is not the safest thing for me to do, but i really want her to get help. her mother is practically incapable of convincing her to get back on the drugs, so going through her isn't much of an option.


my girlfriend says she is suddenly aggressive and snappy because of me. we had been having a lot of fights over petty things and she said she just snapped and can't take it anymore. do you think that this is possible? i understand that constant bickering can make somebody angry or snap, but this is an entire change in behavior. she talks differently (constantly condescending, seems to bark orders at others) and has this strange look in her eye. sometimes she'll even admit that she "probably should be taking my medicine" but says she never will because she WANTS to be bitter and alone. do you think she means this? my main "plan" right now is to just stay away from her and resist contact and give her time to realize that maybe she should at least talk to a counselor a couple of times a month or something. i don't want to force her back onto her meds, i want her to be happy. i just feel so helpless and alone and stabbed in the back.


sigh. any advice?


EDIT: and sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i'm not really sure where to post it.

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