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Would a rhinoplasty improve my appearance?

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title should read: would a rhinoplasty help my appearance


It's the new year, and I am thinking of big changes.


I've always disliked my facial features. I think my face makes me look mean and I am thinking a nose job to soften my features would help make me look better, less "terrorist" and nicer, lol


My nose has been broken numerous times, so that's another reason, but it's functional.


Here are some pics:





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I seriously think your nose adds to your charm - and I don't think that you look at all scary in those pictures. In fact, :love:.


Maybe you should start the changes by just making sure you smile as much out in the world as you do in those pictures? BTW, nice smile.

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There's not a thing in the world wrong with your nose as pictured. However, you should do what makes YOU happy without seeking the opinions of people on the net you don't even know.

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There is NOTHING wrong with your nose. Actually, I like your nose a lot and I think you're pretty cute.

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You could probably improve your nose somewhat with a nose job, but it would be a small improvement at best. I think your nose looks fine as it is, so it would have to be a subtle job. The projection of your nose is good. I would just refine the tip and shave down the bump a bit on the sides.


Again it would have to be very conservative, as nose jobs on men can often go wrong. Maybe it's just better to leave alone.

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I wouldn't touch it at all. You're handsome as is. To have a "perfect" nose would make you look... ridiculous. I mean that in a good way. :)

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No, no, no!!


My partner has had his nose broken twice - it's kinda squashed, like a boxer's... he snores terribly, and can't always breathe properly.

I wouldn't change him for the world, and neither would he.

Your nose is just fine, you're a handsome guy, and your smile is delightful.


To be blunt, if you have issues of self-esteem, believing a nose-job will fix it, may not be the way to go.....

have a look at what issues you have.


Some people who have had remedial surgery feel much better afterwards, but not all.

Examine why you want the op., and work on from there.


Happy new year!

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Don't do it.


Years ago I seriously contemplated breast reduction surgery. I even had a consultation and checked out the insurance coverage. I ended up not doing it, now I'm not even sure why except I think the risk of not being able to breast feed had something to do with it.


Anyway: today I still have the same chest but now I'm totally cool with it.


Basically, the whole thing turned out to be a self-esteem issue which would NOT have been solved by going under the knife. There is, and never was, anything wrong with my breasts. It was all in my imagination.

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See I don't know how much of it is in my head ... versus an actual problem.


I know I've broken my nose. The first time was when I was really young and its impacted how I see myself ever since.


I definitely have some self-esteem issues but I don't think they're all irrational.


I think people treat people differently based on they how look. So I'm sensitive to that.

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You have a lot of perfect strangers on this thread telling you you're an attractive guy AS IS. I agree.


That tells me this is in your head.

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OMG NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't do it you are SO handsome just as you are. Totally sexy nose. You have so much character in your features, YUM!!! :love:

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I don't think you have anything to worry about. At the very least your nose could be an asset in a way that you might not have realized. You could use it to block the ugly chicks from sight while you focus on the hot ones.

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Don't do it you are SO handsome just as you are. Totally sexy nose. You have so much character in your features, YUM!!! :love:


Nose?? What nose?? :p

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I'm not anti-plastic surgery, but I would not recommend a nose job. Men are supposed to have stronger noses than women--and I wouldn't consider yours much bigger than average at all. The main thing that's important is proportion and your nose is proportionate to your large eyes and full lips.

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Well, thx for the responses. It appears the consensus is that it's not a very good idea. I'm still torn because it's something I've always felt self-conscious about since breaking it.


It's probably all in my head but I dunno..


This is going to sound kind of Michael Jackson like, lol, but I have these weird racial issues. I grew up in a sea of whiteness, and for whatever reason never got any attention from them, never even had a white female friend .... a lot of this is probably my fault, since i was very shy and withdrawn growing up. i had some horrible experiences with childhood racism and as a self-defense mechanism backed out of social interaction with my peer group...looking back i think i missed out on a lot...


But I saw this segment on 60 minutes or something like that once about racial stereotypes and children. They did this experiment where they showed a class of children a picture of an asian man and a picture of a bedouin arab....and the children all saw the asian man as nice and the bedouin arab man as mean. Both were smiling and that kind of tripped me out..


I guess in the post-Obama era, it's weird to be thinking about stuff like this...


But it's just interesting looking back and seeing how "external elements" have an impact on you and how you see yourself if you're not careful or too sensitive or whatever.

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I agree with everyone that you look good the way you are--but I also think if it bothers you to the extent that it affects your ability to function, then maybe you should just get the nose job so you can move on.

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At the very least your nose could be an asset in a way that you might not have realized.

That's a good point. One thing a picture can't really do is tell us about the texture of the centrepiece of your face. Is it smooth, or does it have a rugged, invigorating feel to it?


I was going to follow up with a big list of nose characteristics, and their various pros and cons, but that would be overkill for this thread.

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I agree with everyone that you look good the way you are--but I also think if it bothers you to the extent that it affects your ability to function, then maybe you should just get the nose job so you can move on.

These days, getting a nose job is almost like getting a new haircut. I imagine that the success rate is something like 100%.

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