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college girl makes me perky. How can i save her for later w/o being just friendsd

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Hey everyone,


I met a college girl during a summer class we were taking together, and of course we had an intermediate friend, low and behold. So instantly we got along pretty well. Nothing developed at this point we just sat beside eachother and talked a lil' here and there. It wasn't until the last week or day of classes that we started really talking and our convo was awesome. We flirted a lil' and did a few things together, but nothing ever developed bc i have a gf. However we did manage to email eachother and on the last day of our class she told me that she was going to visit me at the restaurant with our common friend. Later that night i was deemed her new best friend after i gave her a few compliments on her new hair style and good looks. We mostly connect thru online messenger and email these dayz but we flirt enuf to know that i have at least some chance if i wanted it!


We went for coffee on campus 2 weeks back and again awesome convo, i teased her a lil' and even tried to expose my own personal traits by telling her what i thought she was looking for in a guy....too funny! My description met her criteria quite well, infact almost to a tee. One day i'll tell the truth...lmao.


Anyrate since we communicate via email and school is back in session she doesn't write as much any longer; however we were supposed to go for coffee today. And of course she didn't write back too me so i left a message on her voice mail to call me up. She'll call me, y, bc i know i'm considered a good friend and she likes me.


I have thought long and diligently about this girl and the situation at hand, especially since i have a gf. In my heart, i decided to fix my current relationship. But i still feel some attachment to this new girl. I promised myself i'd never cheat on my gf and i won't. She even knows about this girl, and we are healthy again. So here's my problem, how do i keep her from putting me into the just friends bracket? I want to get with her really bad, and save her for later sorta speaking. Does anyone have any prior experience with going from friends to a relationship of love? Any tips/advice, would be awesome.

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Go out and buy a cake and than run home to eat it.



Seriously though man, either be there for your current girlfriend and forget about hooking up with the new girl, or end your current relationship and than ask the new girl out.


You can't have both, or at least I don't personally think you should even try.

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originally posted by iross

In my heart, i decided to fix my current relationship


Then this other girl should not be a problem for you at all. You should be happy to have her as a friend...but in your own words


I want to get with her really bad, and save her for later sorta speaking.


Sounds like your heart may be being ignored here. If you don't want to be in a committed relationship, by all means break up with your gf. I do not presume to understand the relationship you have with her. I simply understand what you've said here, and in my opinion, you shouldn't be trying to save a relationship that has no potential for the future, when you're planning to be with this other girl already.


Spare your girlfriend the pain of dealing with your "plans" with this other girl. Break up with her.

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