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want to tell her how i feel but dont get the opportunity


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ok heres my situation. there is this girl i am starting to like alot. we dont know each all that well but well enough. im pretty sure she has some interest in me we flirt alot back and forth. i want to talk to her about how i feel but everytime i go to do so one of her friends happens to be around or shows up at her place so i dont say anything. at times she somewhat ignores me when her friends are around i mean she will look at me alot and tell me what her and her friends are talking about if i dont know but i still feel like teh outsider not to sure about that. one of her best friends is a guy which im not that comfortable with becasue she is teh only girl that i know that has a really close guy friend for whatever reason. i feel like the longer it goes without me saying anything my window closes more and more and she might think of me more of a new friend than anything else. im wondering if it would be a bad thing or weird her out if i said i want to talk to her in private and aslo if i should have any concerns about this close guy friend. i can give more info if needed. thanks for any responses

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if you are concerned about her close guy friend now (with no attachment)

imagine how you will handle it if you actually do start dating her?

does she only hang out with guys?

if so, i'd be worried. a woman who can't sustain a good relationship with a female

will probably be bad news!

ie: clingy, jealous, and having no life of her own.

i've seen this happen to my guy friends. and i've had to deal with girls like this when they were

exes of my boyfriends.

it's a scary predicament.

but if she seems stable, go for it.

what do you have to lose?

if she says yes, great!

if no, you might just get a good friend out of it and those other feelings will pass.

but don't ask her to talk in private.

from a girl's perspective, that would weird me out. it puts her on the spot. and it might make you look needy.

casually mention it sometime when you guys are all hanging out.

like after you two discover you have something in common.

ie: you both love movies. say"hey we should go see a movie together sometime"

she'll either say, "yeah, that sounds great, we should"


"we'll see" or "maybe" (those 2 are the kiss of death)

if she's unreceptive, you can add "just as friends of course" or "we can all go in group"

that's kind of a saving face tactic.

hope i helped you with my female perspective!

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