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Were you a serial non-commitalist before you met "the one"?

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I tried to make a thread in the dating area and I don't think I hit the right issue. I'm having problems verbalizing my problem, mainly because they are feelings, and I can't describe the feeling I get. So, I was hoping maybe one of you married folks could help me.


Did any of you find yourselves while single having issues that when the chase was over that you found yourself wondering if you wanted what you caught? I mean, not once in a while, but with the majority of people you were involved with.


If so, how did you get past these feelings with the one you finally married? How did you know? Did you still have doubts when you married and just hoped for the best or did you know for sure?


Also, did any of you think you were past these feelings and they came back while married?


Thanks a bunch for any insight you can give!

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Interesting post, I dont' fit the bill to answer this but I'm curious to hear the answers. I'm wondering if you didn't get many answers yet because you're asking kind of a specific question towards a particular group. Well I'll be back to check!

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I was a card-carry member of the "Catch and Release" club, lol. We had rules, too. Like no spending the night, no buying gifts, no meeting families.


And I'm a female!


It wasn't that I had a fear of commitment or anything, it was a conscious choice to date but not get involved. So I don't think I really fit your description about not wanting what you caught; I went into it with the DECISION to release my catch when I was done with it. Lol, hold him up beside me, take a photo, toss him back into the sea.


I turned in my membership card about two weeks after I met my husband. It was easy, I just knew, and how I knew was that I couldn't imagine throwing him back.

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That was definately me. Before I met the one I'm currently dating I could not commit to anyone at all - I would experience the thrill of the chase for 1-2 months and then stop it cold. I did that for years. I met my boyfriend, and it was immediate. We started dating the third time we hung out and have been inseperable ever since (for the past year and a half). Before we started dating, he was the same way. He was convinced he would never find anyone. We are best friends and inseperable, and plan to get engaged after he gets out of usmc boot camp.

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Did any of you find yourselves while single having issues that when the chase was over that you found yourself wondering if you wanted what you caught? I mean, not once in a while, but with the majority of people you were involved with.


This thread had some discussion on a similar subject - there may be something interesting or useful you can take from it:



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Thanks a bunch for any insight you can give!

I'll have a shot. Do you know that practically all guys are destined to die hard? A sure consequence of rigor mortis.


While this sounds good, I later found something quite disturbing.

Rigor mortis is very important in meat technology. The onset of rigor mortis and its resolution partially determines the tenderness of meat. If the post-slaughter meat is immediately chilled to 15 °C, a phenomenon known as cold shortening occurs, where the muscle shrinks to a third of its original size.


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