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Being called weak.... (Am I over-reacting)

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Hey. I'm a Junior in college, I'm 6'6" and weigh about 190 pounds. I'm naturally lanky looking, and no matter what I can't look really strong (or I havent been able to and I have worked out a lot over the years).

I have a bunch of female friends but I dont think any of them are particularly attracted to me. Here are a couple comments that have really gotten to me that people have said somewhat recently. Should this bother me/will any girl be attracted to me as long as people are saying things like this (and note also that most of the time I can keep up my confidence--i'm just stressed right now so all this is bothering me).

(1) Someone joked that we should arm wrestle for these free tickets. A girl said "I call Lan" (that's me). This same girl said at another time that I was strong as I was doing pull-ups.

(2) A good girl friend was, at a party, making some joking comments about me and being weak and then we jokingly arm wrestled. I obviously won effortlessly. HOWEVER-->Someone took a picture of this and put it online with the caption "Who won this?!?!?!"


WHAT should I make of this? (Am I just over-reacting because I'm really stressed about other things right now?)

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You're in college, so ribbing about someone's appearance is the mark of the mentality of your peer group.


Does your body bother YOU? Because that's all that matters.


If not, then take it as teasing.


If it DOES, then either stand up for yourself OR make modifications to your body.


And Im sure if you look around, you will see the same people making fun of the fat kid, the hairy guy, the ugly girl...

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Wouldn't worry about it.


You know if you're strong or not - be secure in yourself and don't worry about what other's say.

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The problem is that they aren't mean people. They are, for the most part, very nice girls. And I don't think that they were trying to be mean, but the comments still kind of upset me.

Also--i was drunk in the arm wrestling match so maybe that is why the girl who wrote the caption questioned that???

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