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after betrayel, can trust REALLY be regained?

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I have always known trust is one of the most important factors in a relationship. I have never been betrayed by someone I love, until now. With time can trust be regained?

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Trust can be regained. It takes time.


You have to forgive and forget. You can never bring up the transgression again, NEVER. You cannot hold things over your partner's head. You have to be truly convinced that he is sorry.


People are human. Until the day you die, people will disappoint you at times. People lie, even the President of the United States. Human beings are just that...imperfect.


I am always fascinated at people who eat at a particular restaurant hundreds of times. Then one day they have a bad meal and decide never to return. Pretty irrational, I think.


If you guy has been trustworthy for the most part during the course of your relationship with him, he deserves a second chance. You have to clear your mind of his betrayal and move forward. You have to communicate. You have to find out why it happened. Then you have to be assured it won't happen again.


You and you alone are the only person who can determine if the trust can be regained because you are the only person that has to have that trust restored. It's a decision you will make. So you have to look at the relationship as a whole, look at your guy's behavior overall, and see if you love him enough to eventually trust him again.


It is possible for some people, impossible for others. It's your call.

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