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Booty call?

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Wicked Child

I will try to keep this short, but I know it won't work..so here goes:


A month ago, me and a friend met up with a supervisor of mine for drinks. (his invite) We all got really tanked (it was a party and the booze was free..can you blame us?) And me and my coworker ended up smoochin at the bar. (He made the move, not me) We ended up going back to my house, where HE ended up on his knees...not me. That was the extent of our romp, there was no actual sex. Since then, he texts or emails me every day...Most of the time, it's just random banter peppered with some steamy innuendos...But no matter what, he's always contacting me. I still have yet to make a first contact, and I've been approaching with caution for obvious reasons..Now, I definitely don't mind this, and am really quite attracted to him..I'm just not quite sure how to interpret his behavior. I've never been pursued in such a way just for sex, and I'm really wondering if there's a possibility that he's interested in more than some booty..I mean, do guys seriously tell the girl they want to bang about their day at work?? He's in the last stages of a divorce, and has been separated for over a year...Which would lead me to believe that he wouldn't be looking for anything serious at all, but his actions say different. It's been a month, and we haven't slept together, even though the desire has been expressed..We haven't hung out together since that one drunken night, and ony see each other one day a week at work..But he makes it a point to contact me every day...Any ideas on his motives??? Guys, any advice on what I should/could do???


DISCLAIMER: My job is not in jeopardy..we clarified that the first time he pulled me into the back room for a steamy kiss...Once again, his move, not mine..

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You could always ask what others think, get some stormy picture of what you think is happening based on other's predictions of human behavior of whom you trust but probably doesn't know the individual, borrow other people's ideas and....


be 100% off - because you never talked directly with the source.



If you talk to the guy and have a good rapport with him, he will shoot straight with you.

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