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Gut Instinct v. Judgement

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Difficult question.


Personally, I think the dividing line between the two overlaps. Judgement is often shaped by gut instincts and gut instincts are often manipulated in a way to fit more cerebral assessments. I can talk myself into just about anything by using a rationalization process that suits my own ulterior motives so to speak.



I agree. This is what I was getting at above when I said "everything's intertwined." It's a fallacy to completely separate the two.

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I am not entirely sure that I understand what you mean by emotional and intellectual rationalizations.


Can emotions and intellect influence what we do about our intuitions, meaning can we choose to act on it or ignore that hint/feeling?

Then the answer is yes.

Reliant on what you want, you can affect the outcome. In other words, your gut instinct or in a positive scenario, your intuition, can tell you one thing but because you want something else or are afraid of taking that leap of faith, use your emotions and intellect to over-ride gut.


If it is meant as: Can our conscious mind influence how our intuition will look like, can it shape and form it?

Then I would say no.

Agreed. When base emotions hit, our conscious mind can over-ride it but it cannot change the initial chemical response. They can affect the outcome by taking no/opposite action.


What I call gut feeling, I experience as short bursts of raw, unfiltered, and strong primal emotions. Depending on the situation, it can be anger, fear, anxiety, desire, etc..


They are the first things that come to my mind in certain situations. It is more like being given a broad hint to take action instead of reacting to a clear and present threat. Either to seize an opportunity or to avoid something.


Acting on that impulse is optional though, because you have the luxury of time. Your life doesn't depend on immediate action.

When looking solely at intuition (forget gut for now), I'm not convinced that it's instinctual. It's a form of lightening quick judgement that's based on personal wants or needs of the moment, with limited external input/data.


This is my perception of what happens inside of me:


Gut instinct either kicks in or not. If the early warning kicks in, RUN!! If it's quiet, then intuition (lightening quick judgement) kicks in. After that, conscious judgement is used (checklist), with intuition keeping emotional ports open, like a radar system.

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Nikki Sahagin

I'm not sure.


I have very powerful gut instincts which I don't always follow - sometimes I think I am not ready to accept what my instincts are telling me. I remember having bad instance about being in a car crash, being dumped and being in a serious argument - all of which came true, leaving me to question why I ignored my senses.


But because I am a highly sensitive person sometimes I misinterpret these gut instincts as paranoia. My own sense of judgement is more difficult because my mind runs a mile a minute and I find it hard to think clearly.

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To use You'reasian's term, gut is your early warning system. It either kicks in or it doesn't.



In a romantic or social context I'm seldom aware of getting any early warning system.


For me it only kicks in automatically where there's a likelihood of imminent and serious risk to my safety. I used to work in a residential setting with troublesome teens. In a job like that where you have to impose routine and rules and challenge them frequently, with no protective back-up if they decide to "riot" or assault you, you're reliant on your shift partner. There's nobody else (unless some of the children have a protective attitude towards you in crisis moments like that).


Often you'd be put on shift with people you'd never met before. That person might turn out to be a strong character who'll back their partner up to the hilt even if there are risks attached...or they might have that cowardly bit about them that means they might slip off into the office and quietly lock themselves in there while you've got some adolescent screaming threateningly in your face. Or even just stand by looking gormless and doing nothing to help. Or alternatively they might have an overly aggressive personality that will result in things blowing up to crisis proportions and resulting in a need for physical restraint when it shouldn't have been necessary.


That's what I mean when I say I can get positive as well as negative gut instincts about people. Even now, years after I stopped doing that kind of work, if I want to make a quick character assessment of someone I'll imagine that I've just been told I'm doing a shift with them. Worryingly weak or aggressive, conflict avoidant, overly anxious to be liked etc. You can't really tell these things about people based on who they tell you they are. It's an instinct you get. Some people will swagger in claiming to "take no sh*t" but in reality, they won't command a speck of authority. Others are quiet, but extremely effective.


Even if I wouldn't want to do a shift with someone, I can stilll like them socially or romantically... for emotional or intellectual reasons. It's a fairly good litmus test re who I place most trust in though. I'd say that pretty much all the people I've become good friends with since that kind of work are people I'd be comfortable about doing a shift with...and I got that positive feeling about them very quickly.

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Reliant on what you want, you can affect the outcome. In other words, your gut instinct or in a positive scenario, your intuition, can tell you one thing but because you want something else or are afraid of taking that leap of faith, use your emotions and intellect to over-ride gut.


I think you are over-analyzing this subject in order to gain some kind of control over the outcome of a certain personal situation you find yourself in right now, TBF. You think that if you can nail down the definition of gut instinct v. judgment, that will give you some kind of crystal-ball vision of where it's headed, so that you can then make adjustments to take control of the situation.


Perfectly understandable. But you cannot control another person's thoughts about you, or what they might think and do. It's a futile effort to even try.


And even if your spidey-sense isn't detecting anything from the other person, it's dangerous to assume that HIS spidey-sense isn't kicking into full gear with YOU.


No matter how much you analyze the situation or your own feelings about it, the bottom line is that it's always a crapshoot, in the beginning at least - and the outcome is unpredictable. Are you OK with not being able to control it?

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I think a little of the two. Mostly looking at the facts of the situation.. and using proper judgement based upon those facts. Often, thats when my gut instinct is correct. Did that make sense?



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In a romantic or social context I'm seldom aware of getting any early warning system.
Where I get them all the time, from a near kick in the gut, to a low-level unease and all the permeatations in-between. So it sounds like different people have different reactions, which isn't unusual, more the norm. :)


Even if I wouldn't want to do a shift with someone, I can stilll like them socially or romantically... for emotional or intellectual reasons. It's a fairly good litmus test re who I place most trust in though. I'd say that pretty much all the people I've become good friends with since that kind of work are people I'd be comfortable about doing a shift with...and I got that positive feeling about them very quickly.
While I didn't quote your entire post, it was interesting to read about your exposure to different types of people and your observations about them.


Like, trust and respect, the foundations for relationships, whether friends or romantic interests.

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I think you are over-analyzing this subject in order to gain some kind of control over the outcome of a certain personal situation you find yourself in right now, TBF. You think that if you can nail down the definition of gut instinct v. judgment, that will give you some kind of crystal-ball vision of where it's headed, so that you can then make adjustments to take control of the situation.


Perfectly understandable. But you cannot control another person's thoughts about you, or what they might think and do. It's a futile effort to even try.


And even if your spidey-sense isn't detecting anything from the other person, it's dangerous to assume that HIS spidey-sense isn't kicking into full gear with YOU.


No matter how much you analyze the situation or your own feelings about it, the bottom line is that it's always a crapshoot, in the beginning at least - and the outcome is unpredictable. Are you OK with not being able to control it?

OpenBook, with all due respect, you're analytics are about as far off as could be possible. If you met this guy, you would laugh at the thought of ANYONE controlling him or even having thoughts of control. :lmao:


Why would it be dangerous to assume his spidey-sense isn't kicking in about me? The only repercussions are that he walks. If so, not every dating situation turns into an LTR. Pay to play. No risk, no return. It's okay to be incompatible. Really! :laugh:


Since you keep dragging in my snowman, into this thread, you need to really read the other thread, instead of selectively reading it and throwing a negative spin on every response to my threads. Please take your harboured resentments and petty snipes, and try to let it go. I don't know what your issues are and realistically speaking, aren't that interested in finding out. I'm more interested in keeping a civil distance. Can you do that or will you continue agitating? You're not in my threads to help, that's a given.


Can we stop the drama triangle? Do you think it's possible for you to let go and stop trying to control me?

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I think a little of the two. Mostly looking at the facts of the situation.. and using proper judgement based upon those facts. Often, thats when my gut instinct is correct. Did that make sense?



Yes Mea, it does make sense. :)

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Where I get them all the time, from a near kick in the gut, to a low-level unease and all the permeatations in-between. So it sounds like

...indigestion. :laugh:

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Take the Myers Briggs Test (google it online, you can find it for free). The test categorizes people into personality types. Some types rely on their judgement/analytical ability while others rely on their feelings/intuitive sense. It's based on Jungian theory.


Also it helps in understanding interpersonal dynamics. Pretty interesting, I think!

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Take the Myers Briggs Test (google it online, you can find it for free). The test categorizes people into personality types. Some types rely on their judgement/analytical ability while others rely on their feelings/intuitive sense. It's based on Jungian theory.


Also it helps in understanding interpersonal dynamics. Pretty interesting, I think!

I've already taken it but thanks for the suggestion. It might help others.


One thing to be careful of, is that personality tests like this, are for the present time v. all your life. Say for example you're currently in an analytic-style career path. Those particular traits will show up stronger during the time you're involved in this career path. If you move to a more managerial career path, certain skills will factor more dominantly, than did previously.

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I've already taken it but thanks for the suggestion. It might help others.


One thing to be careful of, is that personality tests like this, are for the present time v. all your life. Say for example you're currently in an analytic-style career path. Those particular traits will show up stronger during the time you're involved in this career path. If you move to a more managerial career path, certain skills will factor more dominantly, than did previously.


I'm consistently an ENTJ on the Myers Briggs (over the course of the last 12 years). Even when I -try- to answer the questions differently. I have a friend who is an occupational psychologist (I think that's her title). She teaches the Myers Briggs, specifically to work organizations, on how to get along with each other. This friend of mine is quite the M-B fan, her assessment of people and their personality types is pretty interesting.


But with that, I take those sort of tests with a grain of salt. Except in my case. With my consistent ENTJ score, the personality description (strengths and weaknesses) is pretty much on target for me. Which is a bummer, because I don't particularily like the personality flaws that an ENTJ is described to have!

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Everyone has and does both gut instinct and judgement.

  1. Gut instinct: The human self-preservation tool that drives the fight-or-flight response.
  2. Judgement: A combination of intellectual, emotional and sometimes gut instinct response, sometimes negating gut instinct.

If you look at the above definitions, which one would you listen to?


My gut instinct has yet to be wrong. My judgment has been tainted by emotions and intellectual rationalizations.


I've decided to always listen to my gut instinct aka spidey sense.


What's your choice or thoughts on this?


I trust my gut all the way. Us "smarties" tend to think too much anyway.

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LavendarGirl, don't get me wrong. MB is one of the best in it's class, used by many companies and HR people, to identify and best utilize their staff.


People just have to keep in mind that the more you use certain skills, the more that particular skillset will show up on the tests. MB categorizations don't guarantee that you'll be happy in a certain career path which uses your highest scoring skill set. It will only illustrate what your strengths are, as at that time of your life.


I trust my gut all the way. Us "smarties" tend to think too much anyway.

You won't hear any disagreement from me! :laugh:

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Take the Myers Briggs Test (google it online, you can find it for free). The test categorizes people into personality types. Some types rely on their judgement/analytical ability while others rely on their feelings/intuitive sense. It's based on Jungian theory.


Also it helps in understanding interpersonal dynamics. Pretty interesting, I think!


I've taken the test a few times (once as a psych major, and twice online in later years) and always scored as an INFP. Interestingly my good friend at the time had the same results, even though that personality type only makes up 1% of the population. I guess similar people really do seek each other out!


I also found it interesting that my career choice was one of those listed as common for INFPs.

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Hi Shadowplay,

My 2nd xH is an INFP. He has killer intuition and a natural artist in his field of work. Meanwhile I am extremely analytical, which drove him bananas.


Yes, it is funny that birds of a feather flock together. My three best friends are all ENTJs, which is something like only 2% of the population. I guess I'm just drawn to fellow hard-headed intellectuals!!

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Hi Shadowplay,

My 2nd xH is an INFP. He has killer intuition and a natural artist in his field of work. Meanwhile I am extremely analytical, which drove him bananas.


Yes, it is funny that birds of a feather flock together. My three best friends are all ENTJs, which is something like only 2% of the population. I guess I'm just drawn to fellow hard-headed intellectuals!!


So true! Your ex sounds like me. The funny thing is romantically I am more often attracted to extroverted, analytical men (but with an idealistic core).

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I agree. This is what I was getting at above when I said "everything's intertwined."


I too agree with what you both have stated. The only behaviors I can think of that aren't influenced by experience are autonomic responses. Even the amygdala, responsible for your fight or flight response, is vitally interconnected with memory storage.

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OpenBook, with all due respect, you're analytics are about as far off as could be possible. If you met this guy, you would laugh at the thought of ANYONE controlling him or even having thoughts of control. :lmao:


Why would it be dangerous to assume his spidey-sense isn't kicking in about me? The only repercussions are that he walks. If so, not every dating situation turns into an LTR. Pay to play. No risk, no return. It's okay to be incompatible. Really! :laugh:


Since you keep dragging in my snowman, into this thread, you need to really read the other thread, instead of selectively reading it and throwing a negative spin on every response to my threads. Please take your harboured resentments and petty snipes, and try to let it go. I don't know what your issues are and realistically speaking, aren't that interested in finding out. I'm more interested in keeping a civil distance. Can you do that or will you continue agitating? You're not in my threads to help, that's a given.


Can we stop the drama triangle? Do you think it's possible for you to let go and stop trying to control me?


Just as I thought. OK, well thanks for responding, and good luck!

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Just as I thought. OK, well thanks for responding, and good luck!

OpenBook, while all responses are appreciated, your response wasn't accurate or close to accurate. You've also taken quite a few runs at me, with passive-aggressive and aggressive digs.


Let's take a different look at this.

  1. Why is it so important to you that your observations be correct?
  2. What are you trying to accomplish in this?
  3. What's your take home in this, especially since this isn't an advice based thread about myself in particular, just the thoughts referenced within the opening post?
  4. Do you feel you know me better than I know myself, even though you and I have rarely interacted on LS and never, off LS?
  5. What exactly are you basing your analytics off of? I can guarantee that there's no one on LS who knows me very well, regardless of how they're determined to believe otherwise.

I'm not interested in exacerbating the issues and playing into another drama triangle. More than anything, I'd prefer some civil distance from online drama agitators.

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I'm not interested in exacerbating the issues and playing into another drama triangle.


Yes, I can see that.


May I ask, what does all this have to do with the subject of this thread - gut instinct v. judgment??

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Yes, I can see that.


May I ask, what does all this have to do with the subject of this thread - gut instinct v. judgment??

I'm guessing you're going to keep agitating in this thread and others that I post, for whatever your personal grudges, resentments or reasons. I don't know how unhappy in your life you are but happy people find other things to do, rather than agitate with deliberately inaccurate, negative observations.


Good luck with your life, OpenBook. I hope you find some balance and happiness somewhere. You're a smart and capable woman who should be doing better things, rather than sniping at people in a passive-aggressive or aggressive way online.

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I'm guessing you're going to keep agitating in this thread and others that I post, for whatever your personal grudges, resentments or reasons. I don't know how unhappy in your life you are but happy people find other things to do, rather than agitate with deliberately inaccurate, negative observations.


Good luck with your life, OpenBook. I hope you find some balance and happiness somewhere. You're a smart and capable woman who should be doing better things, rather than sniping at people in a passive-aggressive or aggressive way online.


Then perhaps I should take a page out of YOUR book, TBF.

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