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Why don't I like him more

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I just started going out with a guy yesterday I met him about a month ago at a social but for some reason I just don't like the idea of going out with him I miss being single not that I had loads of guys or anything but I can never go out with a guy and keep liking him I kind of lose intrest in him the second I become a girlfriend


can anyone tell me why? whats wrong with me?

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I think that you are just afraid of commitment. You like guys before you go out with them then once you are actually with them you stop liking them. People usually have problems in relationships if they have a problem with themselves(this is what I have heard). You should just try to figure out why you don't want to be a girlfriend. Maybe it's because you think that you might get hurt...but trust me life is no fun without trying new things and if you get hurt then you just have to get up and try again. And don't break up with your new boyfriend because then it will be weird with Paul :) And Mikey is really a cutie and he won't hurt you!

I just started going out with a guy yesterday I met him about a month ago at a social but for some reason I just don't like the idea of going out with him I miss being single not that I had loads of guys or anything but I can never go out with a guy and keep liking him I kind of lose intrest in him the second I become a girlfriend


can anyone tell me why? whats wrong with me?

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I just started going out with a guy yesterday I met him about a month ago at a social but for some reason I just don't like the idea of going out with him I miss being single not that I had loads of guys or anything but I can never go out with a guy and keep liking him I kind of lose intrest in him the second I become a girlfriend


can anyone tell me why? whats wrong with me?



There's nothing wrong with you. What would be best is to just date and not think of the guys you meet as potential boyfriends. Keep in mind also, that until you are married, you are single.


If you go out with a guy, it doesn't mean that you can't go out with other people also. The purpose of dating is to have fun. Go out with people you're attracted to or interested in getting to know and just enjoy their company.


Don't commit to a relationship unless you fall in love. And you will know it when you fall in love. The feeling will be totally different than what you are feeling now. You'll want to spend all of your time with that person, and you won't have the thoughts of wanting to just be by yourself.


All the best,



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