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Why does she say iam special!! whats going on !!

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Hi met this girl who came for a vacation from Russia , visiting a friend of mine but there just friends like buddies even her mom came down … well I met her and didn’t take any interest in her at all just the normal hello ..it was last newyears ..she came over to my place it was her , my friend another girl and me ..plus I had also called my cousins but they somehow couldn’t make it .. well I am a basic gentleman with proper manners , I guess she liked that she asked me for my cell phone ..which was similar to her s so I thought she wanted some wall papers or something …she put her no in it which I saw later on … anyway nuthin happened we danced and drank and then they left ..


Anyway I met her again and this time I was interested …she came down to leave me and I asked her if I could kiss her ..and she put her face forward and I kissed her lightly on the cheek (I had never kissed a girl before) I am 24 yrs and pretty good looking but I just am too shy ..


Anyway the next day I was embarrassed, about I t and thought she might be mad at me..my friend teased me and we all went up to the hills then she asked me if I could give her a hug ..i said I would but not now anyway by the end o f the day I had kissed her on the lips … my first time ever !!


Well she left soon after to Russia telling me that she loved me first I dint make much out of it , cause we hardly spent anytime together ..but then she called me from over there and I loved her too but I couldn’t tell her … anyway I went to the uk for my studies we kept in touch till one day she just stopped talking and I had a nervous break down as u can imagine ..my first gf ..first kiss after 24 yrs…


Then about 4 months she called asking me how I was and stuff ..i said I missed her ..anyway my feelings came back ..so I told her that we could be friends atleast


She replied ur special !


so what does that mean I mean she has not written to me more than twice since then …

I see her on icq ..she says hi but never intiates a conversation …I know shes busy working but a person can still say hi..she used to earlier on


I mean why did she say I was special?? Just say I like u as a friend why ure special ..she said it twice ..once in a sms and once on the phone


when I insisted that we could be friends this would have helped me to forget those feelings …


Should I forget about her .. I have to go to Moscow with this friend of mine ..maybe next year ..should I meet her ..do you think she will still care …?


Is my problem that she s the first girl I kissed ..if I meet other girls would my perspective of her change.. I mean I see her as such a nice person ..but my friend(who knew her in Moscow) says that she is very moody and a brat …I cant but feel she is wonderful she did apologies for hurting me when she had called ..

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She says she loves me but wont call why ? is it a guy or whats her problem ..ive told her tht That if she wants to take it futher she has to call :o


..she wont give me her no but then she wont call …whats going on ? then she mails me a card saying she misses me ..why dosent she just call up?? :mad:

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