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when is it decent to phone?


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phew. well... he mightn't have rung me because a) he was insanely busy (working two jobs + preparing to go away) or b) didnt see the message or c) some other reason


but i feel a bit better now that i know.



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i've been so good all week, and then just yesterday and today someone called my mobile when i didnt have it on me... so i was all hyped up that it might be 'him'.. alas, it was someone calling the wrong number :p


now i'm worried that i'm going to set my expectations too high. One part of me says, as if he'll ring, especially since it's been 2 weeks since i spoke to him and he's been away, as well, it wasn't as if he ever wanted to call me first anyway - he gave ME his number to call HIM (scaredy cat :D). The other half of me says - he will, he has to, otherwise it's just plain rude and i'll be so devastated if he doesn't.


My mind doesn't want to just ignore the situation... and then if he hasn't rung by next wednesday the saga of "oh no! do i call him?" begins all over again.. and it's like, well i know i shouldn't call him.. but maybe he's just one of those vague types, then i think... but i dont want to go out with a vague type...


hah confusion.


you don't have to reply to this, i just needed to get it out of my system and on to a whole lot of unsuspecting strangers ;)

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All I can think is that he is a lucky guy to have ya so frusterpated over him. Part frustration, part anticipation...I hope that he likes you as much as you like him.



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he was supposed to get back from perth last night, so i wasn't going to call until next week... but then my friends were like.. just call him you idiot. so i did.. and i spoke to his FATHER this time ;) the embarrassment.. anyway, he said "oh i think he was looking for your number this morning" so i said, k just tell him i called. Then he called me back this afternoon from his friend's house! Just chatted for a bit and yeh, was great :D he's heaps like me, just from chatting with him we get on really well!! argh i'm still on a high. I should be seeing him on wednesday ( i have to go into school for something so will walk past his store)... we might catch up for lunch if our timetables suit. anyway.


ahh the relief :)

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High five, girl! :D


Elsewhere, Tony said some shy fellows just need a little encouragement. This might have been one of those cases. Glad it's working out :D

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erm... a long self-conscious update (sorry if this is getting really boring...)


--> glad it WAS working you you mean moimeme ;)


jesus. this saga is no longer a saga. it is a frieken brain teaser.


so right, he said he'd take his mum's mobile to work on wednesday and message me to work out if lunch was going to happen or not. he knew i was finishing my thing at school at 11am... and he knew he wouldn't get a break anytime near that, but he'd still see what he could do..


11:15am wednesday and he messages me "hey soph. i start work at 11:30am today, so no luck with lunch. hope you're good. alan." so i was on my way up to the library (killing some time + getting some study done so that we can still do lunch) and i said "that's cool. actually, i'm just up at the library doing some study, so if you want we can still meet up later." and he replied "not sure if or when i'm having a break. my boss gets all anal sometimes. pop by on your way through and see." i said i would at about 2pm. and i did.


i get there at 2pm, he's sitting down in the counter area, hidden by two piles of cds in front of him that he's working on, his boss and another employee are behind him. i walk past, he doesnt see me, so i go look through some cds, when i turn round he's standing up, so i say hi, he says hi. he asks the usual how's stuff going etc. basically, the conversation was really boring, humdrum "im so tired, yeh been flat out since i returned to sydney" sort of talk, and me "yeh studying's pretty bad" etc. he seemed really not into the convo, which made me really not involved either, and i was hoping he'd mention that it was shame we didnt get to do lunch, or that we should do it some other time, or that he'd call me or something... but he didnt. at the end of the convo he's like "yeh, so um if you're round here just come past and um say hi yeh" and i said that i wouldn't likely be coming through until my exams (in two weeks) and he said "oh really? ****.. well.. uh yeh... i guess i'll um.. i'll speak to you soon..." and that was where it was left.


i felt really dodgy vibes, like he was completely out of it, couldn't give a **** that i came and said hi and i was standing there thinking, what the hell am i doing here wasting my time with this guy?? i was thinking on my way home, you know, i've given him so many indications that i like him, never let him down on any commitments or what have you... and so i mean if he wanted to ask me out, there wouldn't be much of a risk... so he must either a) totally not realise that he's stringing me along or b) not like me in 'that' way. Regardless, he appears to like it when i distance myself from him and is always 'half in half out' of the whole thing.


I have totally disinvested myself from the situation, and think.. well, it's up to him now. I swear, in like 3 weeks when im completely over him, he will call and i will flip out. I'll have to act casual and disinterested, make sure i'm not too eager to get myself involved in a relationship with a "half-in, half-out" sorta guy.


this whole while, it's been from peaks to troughs, from hopes, to none. and it's confusig the hell out of me. so i've yes, given up basically.


ok.. thankyou for listening lol!.


any theories on why he would suddenly change from calling me on monday from his friend's place, being in such a great mood, chatting away and even committing himself to bringing his mum's mobile and messaging me etc. to being really non-interested when we spoke?

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If his boss is 'anal', it could be that he was uncomfortable being seen chatting with a friend at work. Some bosses are bigtime pains about stuff like that.

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May have been what moimeme said. Odd though, if he did want to avoid conflict with the boss, he might have told you..."Hey, Soph...Boss gives us grief when we talk to friends at work, so I gotta cut this shorter than I want to. I'm really glad you came over though."


He does sound a bit dodgy.



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yep. dodgy it is. he's just too confusing to even waste any more energy on... kind of a shame as we have heaps in common.


maybe he'll prove himself later, but for now, i'm outtie ;)

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