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For Goodness Sakes...what now?!

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So my Ex and I are now FWB and I have been playing it very cool. It's only been since Christmas. Anyway, he has sd he loves me a time or two but I never reciprocate. Today, he flat out asks if I want to have a relationship with him. BTW, he dumped me because he wasn't "ready" for a relationship...this was only a month ago.

I didn't say yes or no. I asked him why he was asking because that was not our current "deal". He got really quiet and wanted to drop it. I told him we both needed to be on the same page or this FWB would never work. He tried to change the subject again and I let him. What now?! Keep playing it cool? Give it more time?

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He tried to change the subject again and I let him.




What now?! Keep playing it cool? Give it more time?


If you hadn't let him change the subject, you wouldn't be asking this question.

You have to pin him down again.

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I guess I don't know how to pin him down without coming across as pushy or something. I guess I figured if I tried to pressure him into talking about it,that would blow my "cool" cover!:p

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These are just games.

If you want a direct answer, tell him, you're about to ask him a direct question.

If he's going to be evasive, you'll consider the matter closed, and assume that he's just an FWB, which is fine by you. And smile.

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S I told him we both needed to be on the same page or this FWB would never work.


FWBs rarely work because both people never were on the same page. Usually someone wants more and acquiesces to what the other person is willing to provide.


I don't think this situation is good for you; you still seem to be upset over him ending the relationship and are now trying to get back at him for it.

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