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Breaking the Ice...How?


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I am 18 years old and I started going out with this guy about a week ago...I just recently came out of a year long relationship. Things are going good but I think that we are too shy around each other. I am use to not being shy at all around my old boyfriend so I find it really weird.


We don't seem to talk much at first(like the first few hours)when we are with a group of people. Then after awhile everything is great and we talk. When we are alone we get along pretty good and we seem to be able to converse most of the time. On the phone that is another story...we can't talk for even two minutes and then we have nothing to say.


I just want to know how to maybe like "break the ice" and be more comfortable around each other because I really think that I have a future with this guy and I like him a lot.

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Give it some time. Be patient.


I was the same way with a girl I was so madly in love with her I could have died. When she came on the phone my mind went blank and my heart would beat out of my chest.


I started making outlines of things to talk about before I called her. I would make a list of different subjects, things that happened that day, events coming up, etc. Below each category, I would write some notes on comments I could make. So between my notes and the flow of the conversation, things went pretty good.


So make some outlines. If you do that, you can keep him talking. Now, on the other hand, the two of you do pretty well under certain circumstances. Maybe he is one of those guys who doesn't like the telephone very much. Ask him how he feels.


Men like ladies who are interested in their lives. Ask him how his day was...if anything special happened to him. Ask him how he feels about certain things...ask him his opinions on things. That's how you get to know him and that's how you get the conversation going.


ALWAYS end the conversation before he has his full. Leave him wanting more. Make some phone calls last only five minutes, no matter how much you want to talk to him. Let others go however long they can. But don't talk his ear off or he'll get bored.


Good luck. I hope this works for you. It did for me. And now I take medication to slow my heart down.

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I am 18 years old and I started going out with this guy about a week ago...I just recently came out of a year long relationship. Things are going good but I think that we are too shy around each other. I am use to not being shy at all around my old boyfriend so I find it really weird. We don't seem to talk much at first(like the first few hours)when we are with a group of people. Then after awhile everything is great and we talk. When we are alone we get along pretty good and we seem to be able to converse most of the time. On the phone that is another story...we can't talk for even two minutes and then we have nothing to say. I just want to know how to maybe like "break the ice" and be more comfortable around each other because I really think that I have a future with this guy and I like him a lot.



Phone conversations are hard if neither of you are talkative. The best way to break the ice is to spend time with him in person. The more time you spend with someone, the more comfortable you become with them. So, on those times that you can't get together, and the phone is your only option, just call and say something like, "I just called to say hi, and see how you're doing. How is your day going so far?" Or, "How was your day today?" If a conversation really doesn't get started, don't sit there and get nervous about not having anything to say. Just tell him that you like being with him and you're looking foward to the next time that you go out.


Good luck,



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