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Trying again!?

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So about 5 months ago, I was seeing this girl I worked with. We had been on a few dates, over about a months time. Very casual, but only because we were both too busy to make a real effort. We went on our last date and during the date we talked about being on the same page with where things were going (there had been a little misunderstanding between us about her seeing another guy, which turned out to be me just being stupid and listening to her Best friend and not talking to her). She had told me that she would never get involved with anyone she worked with, but she was willing to forget that rule and see where things would go with us. We had a good dinner, and went to another bar and hung out. The bar wasn't totally great, she seemed a little distracted (who could blame her, Michael Phelps was swimming and was on every tv in the Bar).......Then after a beer we went back to my place, she was driving.


She pulled up in front of my place in the fire zone, and we talked a little....and then as I was leaving, I said to her, "now, I'm still a little confused, where do we stand, I don't know if I should kiss you or just say good nigh?" she kind of laughed and went on to make out for a little while in her car......


I had to leave town early the next day for work, which she knew.....When I arrived in Cincinnati, I worked into the night but sent her a joking text about this song we were talking about the night before that I kept hearing all day while working. She replied, but with nothing motivating.....so I just went to sleep...



The next day I logged on to facebook and noticed there was an update that she had changed her picture and it was a cute pic, so I went to her page to see the whole pic (and not just the thumb nail)....and to my surprise she had changed her relationship status from single to being involved. Only it wasn't involved with me, it was with another guy (the name was listed).


Needless to say, the relationship didn't last, and she ended up booting him off facebook.


She called me once just after I got back from Cincinnati, but I didn't answer and she didn't leave a VM......about a week later she called again and left a VM asking me how my trip was and asking what I was up to..I never returned the call.


I just left things neutral, didn't boot her off facebook, when I would see her at work I would say hey. But that was about all.


Anyway, so I took a break from work (about 3+ months) and hadn't seen her since. But I went back to work this past week, and she was there. She got her haircut and looks even more irresistible now, and I told her that she looked really good and the haircut was great. We talked about our holidays and what we did, at one point during the day she even called me by the nick name she came for me way back when.


So, now i'm toying with the idea of asking her out for a drink again after work one of these days. We only work together once or twice a week...


But is that a bad idea? Is that just odd to not talk to someone for 5 months and then totally ask them out again!? I'm sure she knows what she did and why I didn't call back. It is a new year....and new starts! :)


Sorry if this got a little long, had to give a little back ground first! :)

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New year and new start is a great idea, dude..just not with her. It sounds like she would end up hurting you again, unless she has a really, really good reason why she led you on before, and then had this other guy. Just my opinion...but I'd find someone new. Good luck!!

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Well she may have a good reason who knows.....she and I never talked about it because I never returned her calls. I guess I'll just play it by ear.....

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New year and new start is a great idea, dude..just not with her. It sounds like she would end up hurting you again, unless she has a really, really good reason why she led you on before, and then had this other guy. Just my opinion...but I'd find someone new. Good luck!!


Have to agree with this. A woman whose really into you will contact you. Communication is the lifeblood of relationships. This thing has none and is dead.

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So, a few weeks ago, she and I worked together for the first time in months. As the night went along we chit chatted all night. I was just basically being the nice guy that I am and being friendly, nothing more, nothing less. As we were leaving, she and continued to talk and I was going to ask her out for a drink when I noticed that her parents were waiting to pick her up (this is not a normal thing at all and I'll explain later). So I didn't ask her out for a drink, I just told her to have a good night and drive safe.


So about 2 hours later, I get an email from facebook saying that this girl has sent me a message. I check it and basically it says that she wanted to send me a text message as she was driving away telling me that she liked my new beard I was growing and but she lost my phone number when her phone was stolen a few months ago (Which is a true story). It said some other stuff as well.


I was just about to reply when I noticed that she was on facebook chat, so we talked, and we both told he each other basically at the same time that we wanted to ask the other out for drink that night..


Later that week, I get a text from her asking me what I'm doing on sunday and if I wanted to hang out. I told her that I had to go to a charity event, so we would see. We didn't hang out, she was wicked busy and super tired. But the next day we worked together again and went out afterwards for a drink. This is after she had already worked 2 jobs that day and a 14 hour day. We stayed out until 1 talking, and drinking.


It was a good time, I'm sure she enjoyed it as did I. As we were leaving she said she would walk me to my car, which made no sense seeing how my car was further down the road and her car was rigth in front of the bar. So I jokingly say, why don't you give me a ride to my car....and she says ok!!


As i'm getting in i drop my keys under the seat and we spend the next 5 mins looking for them and freezing and getting a good laugh out of it...I get in finally when she finds the keys and we talk some more about hanging out again and she's totally down. But again working 2 +jobs she has a packed schedule. And then there is her health. Which is why her parents picked her up from work that one night. She's being having all these byopsys done for skin cancer and has been in and out of the doc's office having to deal with that and is stressing big time about it...naturally.


So we're talking some more when a cab pulls up behind us and honks his horn for her to move. I tell her I should I go and that I'll talk, see her soon. I don't kiss her goodnight because it just didn't seem right and i was cold as hell!! So I get out and go home.


She sends me a text when she gets home saying she enjoyed catching up and telling me to sleep tight.


The next day, she sends me a text telling me that on of her new year's resolutions is doing something her friends are doing so she was going to spend the day watching the anguration like I was.


We haven't hung out since, but she invited me to a U2 cover band show but knew i had to work. I asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner next thursday to my buddies resturant who currently has a guest chef from top chef cooking. But she just had another little surgery on her left for the byopsy thing and wasnt' sure if she would ok by then. That was friday night that I asked her that, and still haven't heard a word.


So we'll see.....


any opinions... :) ?

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