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How do I cope???

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My boyfriend of 18 months has gone away to canada (im in england) for 3 months. He went yesterday. I don't want to make a huge deal of it seeing as a lot of you guys are apart from your SOs for a lot longer, i would just like to see if you have any tips to give me as im not used to this kind of separation.


I've had such a bad day today, it went really slowly and I spent far too much time by myself = bad bad bad as i just thought about him all that time.


And the horrible imagination is cropping up now, with ideas of him cheating on me or whatever, even though he is the most loyal guy ever and would never/has never done anything to hurt me. I always seem to think of the worst case scenarios.


Because of his schedule we can talk for about an hour or so a day, which is cool i guess, im just scared this is going to drag out and looking at my calendar is so daunting to see all those dates ahead when he's not going to be here. I would love to visit but it's out of the question since flights are so expensive, so i guess i'll have to stick it out. My problem is how am i supposed to mentally cope with such things? I just feel down a lot of the time etc. Any tips would be appreciated from experienced LDR people who could help me adjust :)




Also, I was wondering what kind of ongoing support i can get from these forums as i don't really know where to look as i'm new to this..




He'll be back in 76 days and counting... xx

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There are many things you can do with and for each other to make the distance a little easier on the both of you. Make each other a short video, make a point to send an email everyday, even just a quick "I miss you & I'm thinking of you", webcams for sure so you can have the face to face and more intimate moments if you wish, even send a letter by post mail including a pic of you two- that's a real nice personal touch. Just the everyday small things make it easy and gives you something to look forward to.


Another very important thing is to keep busy! It's great to do all those things with each other but in order to cope for the other 23 hours a day you won't be speaking it is essential that you find things to keep you and your mind busy. Read, join a yoga class, make lunch and dinner dates with friends, visit your family. Anything you enjoy. It makes the time go by much quicker and takes a lot of ease off your mind. I think if you manage this you've won more than half the battle right there.


Good luck and don't worry, these 3 months will be over before you know it. :)

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Again, thankyou so much for the support! I do need to find something do to for three months that will keep me occupied... i was thinking i could immerse myself in my art project for college for a bit, since i enjoy it a lot and it needs doing! Maybe i'll try and learn something new..:confused:


Anyway thanks for the tips, its nice to know people care enough help each other in this way xx

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