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Marry my brother in law,how about my future...?


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My older sister met a wonderful man 5 years ago. It so happened that the man she met and started to date also had a younger brother. Well, my sister and I are seven years apart and guess what? So are the boys. I know this is weird... but bare with me. So about a year after my sister and her (then) boyfriend had been together and were serious. I too started to date the younger brother...


Fast forward now since it's been five years since we've all known each other. My sister after two years married the older brother. and now has been married for 3 years. I've been living in my sisters/brother in laws basement apartment now for 3 years and have been dating "on and off" the younger brother for 4 years now. Actually were pretty steady. I say on and off because we have had some differences. But so has my sister and brother in law. I've needed space a couple of times during the 4 years I've known him. We do have a lot in common but are also are very opposite. Some things drive me up the wall at times.


Well, this past week the younger brother finially proposed marriage to me. It certainly took longer than it did for my sister. Now I've been thinking about this for some time. I see many differences between us

-religion (I'm raised catholic, he was raised in Turkey but doesn't believe in religon)

-he's never had to work for anything in his life (his parents have provided a lot)

-we argue a lot about the smallest things.

-I don't really like his parents, but i'm very close to my sister

-I want kids, he doesn't (BTW my sister/brother in law have a beautiful 2yrs bady now)


I've thought about how strange it would be to marry a brother in law. I'm just confused because I can't see me with anyone else. My sister and I also work at the boys family business together.


What do you think of this whole thing? I don't usually care what others think but this could be my future and think it would be foolish of me not to get some input at least.

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Do you love him? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him? Is the thought of life without him impossible to imagine? How old are you both?


religion (I'm raised catholic, he was raised in Turkey but doesn't believe in religon)

Would he stop you from following your religion or bringing your kids up Catholic?


-he's never had to work for anything in his life (his parents have provided a lot)

Does he have a job now?


-we argue a lot about the smallest things.

Underyling that can be bigger things


-I don't really like his parents, but i'm very close to my sister



-I want kids, he doesn't (BTW my sister/brother in law have a beautiful 2yrs bady now)

This could be a huge source of difficulty. It sounds as though you want to marry him so you can hang around with your sister, her husband, and their kid.


He's not your brother-in-law anyway, but even if he were, it wouldn't be wierd to marry him since you're not related at all. What would be wierd would be to get married to be part of a group.

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Hey, my greatgrandparents were two brothers who married two sisters - and then their grandchildren got married (and I might add adopted my brother and me - they were worried about too many close genes!).


I wouldn't worry so much about his relation to your sister as much as whether the two of you are right for each other.

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