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i feel like I deserve this


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I had an affair on my husband of 4 years with a friend. We seperated for a time but have been back together for what is now 2 days and we had sex for the first time since reconciling last night. What my husband did is what I am confused about. After we started we were in the doggie position and he told me he was going to write something on me while we had sex. he than wrote somehting on my behind and told me to repeat the name of the man who I had an affair with overe and over again until we were done. Afterward i went to the bathroom and he told me not to look at what he wrote until morning and we had sex 3 more times each time in the doggoe position and me repeating the other mans name until it was over. In the morning he allowed mr to look at what he wrote on my behind and it said "cheating whore" and he said until he can forgive me this is how we will have to have sex. I feel like I deserve this but also feel a little dirty. what should I do?


WOW! Hooooly *****! This is very disturbing to read.


For one thing- don't think for a second you deserve such humiliation, and realize that in actuality, it's your husband (who will hopefully become 'formally known as' in the near future...) who has the problem here.


You admitted your mistakes, and he lied to you just by a means of revenge I don't know how long you two were separated for, but hes clearly got issues with not being able to let go of things and move on- and most likely always had trouble with anger, whether he overtly expressed it or not.


He's looking for a reason to stay angry, and it would seem that he also wants to blame you for his wounded ego that he apparently refused to heal while you two were separated.He is basically telling you that he is allowed to treat you any way he pleases, even if that constitutes abuse, until he can get over it?


Um.. what the f*&k!?


He didn't do that because of what you may have done. He did that, because he has a major problem with anger-


My advice is to demand that he treat you with the respect and dignity that you deserve, and if he refuses (judge by his behavior, not words) serve him the divorce papers, tell him to go f*@k himself and then begin your healing, by forgiving yourself and realizing HE is now the one with the problem.


If he doesn't like those options, tell him it's too bad. It's either option A or option B-No negotiations.

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Just as an aside, the OP has never come back to respond.


Secondly - and it's just a notion.... the first two initials are SM..... Which might lead one to think that there's a peverse enjoyment.... But I'm just guessing.

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Just as an aside, the OP has never come back to respond.


Secondly - and it's just a notion.... the first two initials are SM..... Which might lead one to think that there's a peverse enjoyment.... But I'm just guessing.



An S&M Troll. As I said before, it's just bad porn.

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Ok not sure if she's for real or not. If what she's saying is true than the husband is a sick perverted creep, ewwwwwwwww I would have run very fast if I was her, who knows what he can do next.


Yes it was horrible for her to cheat on her husband but what he is doing is the work of a total psycho. A sane man would have either leave and/or file divorce papers or work it out through couple counseling.

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